This repro contains a bash script that runs inside vagrant and also for ubuntu directly, setting up everything needed to compile Shedskin's subset of Python to C++ then to Javascript with Emscripten.
Built on top of this is a partial canvas implementation for Pygame, as well as for native Shedskin use, and the browser, cross-compiling among all 3 target platforms.
sudo dpkg -i vagrant_i686.deb
git clone
cd emscripten_shedskin_setup/; vagrant up
export VAGRANTDIR=$(pwd); exp="export VAGRANTDIR="; echo $exp$VAGRANTDIR >> ~/.profile
You should find Output.html, and the test binary placed in the directory.
This should output Output.html to the current directory
This Vagrant setup was once loosely based on but it doesn't use Vagrant specific config files, in favour of more portable bash files for use without Vagrant.