Measure execution times of critical code blocks and expose statistics as actuator metrics
Provides a lightweight method to measure runtime of (selected) critical code executions (such as calling external systems) and expose as spring boot actuator metrics.
compile 'eu.hinsch:spring-boot-execution-metric:0.2.2'
Expose metric only
public void someAction() {
// ...
With logging
@ExecutionMetric(value = "some-action", LogLevel = LogLevel.DEBUG)
public void someAction() {
// ...
The logger will automatically taken from the (implementation) class of the annotated method.
// configuration
public ExecutionMetricFactory executionMetricFactory(CounterService gaugeService, GaugeService counterService) {
return new ExecutionMetricFactory(gaugeService, counterService);
// setup metric stores (once during config)
ExecutorMetric executorMetric = executionMetricFactory.executorMetric("test1", logger);
SupplierMetric supplierMetric = executionMetricFactory.supplierMetric("test2", logger);
// use (on every call)
executorMetric.measure(() -> someAction(...));
SomeValue myValue = supplierMetric.measure(() -> getSomeValue());
The code above will expose the following spring boot actuator metrics entries:
gauge.<name>.last = <last call duration>
gauge.<name>.average = <average call duration>
gauge.<name>.min = <minimum call duration>
gauge.<name>.max = <maximum call duration>
counter.<name> = <number of invocation>