ERC721RA is an improved implementation of ERC721A with refundability and gas saving. It gives NFT owners freedom to return minted NFTs and get refund within a given time.
The goal of this project is to encourage the adoption of ERC721RA NFT and improve creators credibility.
For more information please visit Follow us on twitter for @ERC721RA the latest updates. Join our Github project to collaborate.
ERC721RA was initially created by Will Qian from Rari Labs for the NFT social 3.0 project.
Rari Labs is not liable for any outcome of using ERC721RA
The gas report is generated with Hardhat Gas Reporter. The minting performance is much more efficient and consistent.
Install Hardhat
yarn add hardhat
Install following to run the sample project
yarn add @nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle ethereum-waffle chai @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers ethers @nomiclabs/hardhat-etherscan hardhat-gas-reporter solidity-coverage @openzeppelin/contracts
pragma solidity ^0.8.7;
import "./ERC721RA.sol";
contract Rari is ERC721RA {
constructor() ERC721RA("Rari", "RARI") {}
function mint(uint256 amount) external payable {
_safeMint(_msgSender(), amount);
function refund(uint256 tokenId) external {
_refund(_msgSender(), tokenId);
Contributions are welcome.
- Fork the Project and clone the repository.
- Create a new branch. (
git checkout -b add-mint-function
) - Coding and commit your Changes. (
git commit -m "Added Mint Function"
) - Push your Changes to the Branch. (
git push -u origin add-mint-function
) - Open a Pull Request.
npm ci
npm test
- if you want to use another network, you can use:
npm test -- --network <network-name>
- 0xWil (creator) - @0xwilxyz
- Kuncle (Contributor) - @KingsUncle1
- Lucky (Contributor) - @millsonzhou
- Joyce (Contributor) - @joydefender
Join ERC721RA as a contributor: Apply Now
Distribution under the MIT License.