Part of lucidity project.
Replace require
by live.require
to update the required code or assets as the
source file changes.
npm install lucy-live --save
const live = require ( 'lucy-live' )
// expects foo.js library to return "obj"
( 'foo.js'
, function ( obj )
console.log ( 'foo changed: ' + obj )
( 'image.jpg'
, function ( imgPath )
{ // do something with new image taking
// care of Browser cache
// Start listening for changes in '.' ( '.' )
The module definition needs to take into account that it may be reloaded by
reusing module.exports
and updating it. Simply exporting a new module will not
work because the newly created module will not be linked to existing objects.
Example of a module exporting a simple Person class where methods are live
coded. The code shown here is just one way to implement this behaviour. The only
thing to notice is that loaded
is false on first load and true on reload:
// Person.js
if ( ! exports.loaded )
{ // Initial code loading is used to create a simple function wrapping a call
// to an initialize method.
module.exports = function ()
{ this.init.apply ( arguments )
// Code from here is executed on every file change.
const Person = module.exports.prototype
Person.init = function ( name )
{ this._name = name
Person.sayHello = function ()
{ console.log ( `Hello, I am ${ this._name }.` )
Person usage:
const live = require ( 'lucy-live' )
const Person = live.require ( './Person' )
let o = new Person ( 'Georg Groddeck' )
o.sayHello ()
( function ()
{ o.sayHello () // will call the updated 'sayHello' method
} // when Person.js is changed
, 2
// To only call a method when the file is loaded (always called at least once)
// one can use live.path:
( './Person'
, function ( path )
{ console.log ( `Path '${ path }' changed.` )
o.sayHello ()
// Start watching for changes in this file's directory. ( '.' )
Real world example of GLSL shader live coding (taken from Lucidity.
const ShaderEffect = require ( 'lucy-compose' ).ShaderEffect
const THREE = require ( 'three' )
const live = require ( 'lucy-live' )
if (!exports.loaded) {
// On first load, we create the effect
module.exports = new ShaderEffect
const self = module.exports
// We simply update the shaders when the glsl files change.
( './vert.glsl'
, function ( s )
{ self.material.vertexShader = s
self.material.needsUpdate = true
( './frag.glsl'
, function ( s )
{ self.material.fragmentShader = s
self.material.needsUpdate = true
// We could customize a method like this:
self.render = function ( context, target )
// ...
npm test
Please use 'jessy style'.
Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality.
- 0.1.3 (2015-09-22) Better documentation.
- 0.1.2 (2015-09-22) Compatible with latest version of node.js.
- 0.1.1 (2015-09-02) NPM readme fix.
- 0.1.0 (2015-09-02) Initial release.