Part of lucidity project.
Compose complexe scenes by writing simple composition functions. The
framework can be used to compose about anything (see tests for examples). This
whole library is just a convenient way to load 'effects', call setup
on them
and render
with support for live coding and async loading.
Asynchronous scene loading and setup uses promises and ensures that scenes down
the graph hierarchy are entirely loaded before they are inserted in parent
objects through the call to setup
There is a set of composition helpers for THREE.js using lucy-compose: lucy-three.
First declare sources by specifying a folder.
const compose = require ( 'lucy-compose' )
const fx = compose.load ( 'fx' )
const scene = compose.load ( 'scene' )
const trans = compose.load ( '../somelib/transition' )
Compose a view from a single scene.
// expects scene/cube.js or scene/cube/index.js to exist
scene ( 'cube' )
// same scene but with some additional options (these are passed right through
// to the scene's "setup" function).
( 'cube'
, { distance: 5.0, extent: 1.0 }
Compose with postprocessing effect.
( 'blur'
, { radius: 0.3 }
, scene ( 'cube' )
Transition between 'cube' and 'sphere' scenes using a 'fade' effect.
( 'fade'
, { position: 0.3 }
, fx
( 'blur'
, { radius: 0.8 }
, scene ( 'cube' )
, scene ( 'sphere' )
In order to be composed, scenes should implement the following methods:
setup ( options [, sub scenes ] ) Should return a scene. Called once on scene composition. It is up to what makes most sense in the project to create a new scene on each setup or to use a singleton, keeping state stable on composition changes.
scene.render ( context [, target ] ) Render the scene, optionally targetting the provided target object. Called on each frame. The context is passed down the scene hierarchy and can be anything. Usually, this is an object containing globa state information (time, uniforms, etc).
Look at 'test/fixtures/scenes/bing' to get an idea of a simple Scene definition.
npm install lucy-compose --save
npm test
Please use 'jessy style'.
Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality.
- 0.1.1 (2015-09-03) Moving THREE.js wrapper classes to lucy-three.
- 0.1.0 (2015-09-03) Initial release