Just do some dumb benchmarks against non-blocking i/o web server implementations
I'm not the best with python and shell script, please if can make some of scripts better, fork me and request pull ;-)
- bash(Linux, Mac and BSDs should had pre-installed)
- ruby 1.8.7(1.9.1 works??) (for thin) - www.ruby-lang.org
- python (for tornado and twisted) - www.python.org
- apache ( if you want to compare normal apache versus async/evented implementations) - httpd.apache.org
- matplotlib to generate graphs - http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/index.html
- open a terminal
- clone the repository
- go to bench dir created by git clone(a.k.a: cd Async_Test)
- verify if requeriments and optionals are installed
- run the benchmark script
- ./run 2000 200
- where 2000 is number of requests and 200 is concurrency level
- after 2 minutes(depending on your computer) it will finish with a graph(if matplotlib ok).
- if doesn't have matplotlib installed, just run
cat summary.txt
Idea from Akita post