Simple program to download public hydrometeorological data from DGA (Direccion General de Aguas - Ministerio de Obras Publicas - Chile) public server.
The idea is the following:
Select variable and a region
Select a station to download and select a random time range (just a month is enough)
Inspect the download button (before using it)
Go to network options, press the button and then get the cURL (POSIX) request
Go to and transform cURL request to json
Copy json content to DGA_cURL.json file. The file should have something like this in the "data" key:
"filtroscirhform": "filtroscirhform", "filtroscirhform:regionFieldSetId-value": "true", "filtroscirhform:j_idt30-value": "filtroscirhform:j_idt45", "filtroscirhform:j_idt59": "on", "filtroscirhform:panelFiltroEstaciones-value": "true", "filtroscirhform:region": "5", <------------------------ USER SELECTED REGION IN THE WEBPAGE (NOT LOOPABLE) "filtroscirhform:selectBusqForEstacion": "1", "filtroscirhform:cuenca": "-1", "filtroscirhform:estacion": "", "g-recaptcha-response": "", "filtroscirhform:j_idt100-value": "true", "filtroscirhform:j_idt181": "on", <------------------------ STATION ID (LOOPABLE) "filtroscirhform:j_idt102-value": "true", "filtroscirhform:fechaDesdeInputDate": "01/01/1990", <------------------------ START DATE (LOOPABLE) "filtroscirhform:fechaDesdeInputCurrentDate": "01/2011", "filtroscirhform:fechaHastaInputDate": "31/12/2010", "filtroscirhform:fechaHastaInputCurrentDate": "12/2011", <------------------------ END DATE (LOOPABLE) "filtroscirhform:generarxls": "Generar XLS", "javax.faces.ViewState": "-1017629065942579622:-7489475727910640494"
example.ipynb to learn how to download and postprocess DGA spreadsheets
- requests
- numpy
- pandas
- openpyxl
- tqdm
- json