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How to use
When you start QGIS you must load your vector data and you can change the stile, it’s very important that your vector layer has a known spatial reference system (e.g. file .prj for shapefile), and start OGR2Layer plugin, now you choose the directory where the plugin save the files (.html for internet page and gml for vector data); after is possible chose several options to add in OpenLayers.
From 0.7 version it work with python-gdal to convert vector data, you should check its installation
First you must add the definition for the projection of Spherical Mercator to your proj.4 data directories (on linux /usr/share/proj/epsg), this is necessary for usign OpenStreetMap background; you must add only the line:
<900913> +proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +no_defs
The second important part is your vector layer has a known spatial reference system (e.g. file .prj for shapefile) then you can load vector data and start OGR2Layer plugin, now you choose the directory where the plugin save the files (.html for internet page and gml for vector data) and several option to add in OpenLayers.
From version 0.8.0 “QGIS Render” in the “Render option” support all symbologies of “Old symbology Style”.
From version 0.8.1 support also the QGIS svg symbols for “Single Symbol” and “Unique Value”.
Important: Only svg icons can be used.
From version 0.8.4 it supports the “New Symbology”, it is possible to use only simple simbology for “Single Symbol”, “Catagorized”, “Graduated”.
Warning: The svg icons are not supported yet
In the “Query Options” the option “query more features” use OpenLayers Strategy Cluster, this solution allow to cluster more point features and query the group, it’s useful when points are very neighbouring.
Important: remember “query more features” doesn’t work with “Unique Value” symbology