A parser for "schema.rb" file who return a hash of your schema in a "schema.json" file (downloadable)
Valide for Rails 5+ schema.rb (maybe before but untested)
You can put a schema.rb
file in the input file form on SkeemaParser
and receive a hash of your schema.rb downloadable in .json like this :
columnName: columnType,
... ,
index: [columnName, ...]
You can found it in the browser console too like this :
{tableName: {columnName: columnType, ... , index: [columnName, ...]}, ...}
If you want to use the parser in your own programme, get the file skeemaParser.js
and use the class like this :
const yourVariable = new Skeema(yourSchemaRbFile).parse();
NB : "yourSchemaRbFile" has to be a string (more on this here)
Made to be used in a project of create automated seeds.rb file template based on schema.rb file.
Luca Montaigut : https://github.com/luca-montaigut
Based on : https://github.com/rubysolo/skeema