This daemon listens to Kafka messages from the Rucio Hermes daemons and performs butler ingests. This can be run stand-alone or via a container. It is configured with a YAML file, pointed to by the enviroment variable CTRL_INGESTD_CONFIG.
The daemon listens on Kafka RSE topics that are named in the CTRL_INGESTD_CONFIG YAML file. For example, in the example YAML file below, the ingestd daemon will listen on topics XRD1 and XRD2.
brokers: kafka:9092
group_id: "my_test_group"
num_messages: 50
repo: /tmp/repo
rucio_prefix: root://xrd1:1094//rucio
fs_prefix: file:///rucio/disks/xrd1/rucio
rucio_prefix: root://xrd2:1095//rucio
fs_prefix: file:///rucio/disks/xrd2/rucio
"brokers" is set to the host Kafka "kafka", listening to port 9092.
"group_id" is the Kafka group id, which can be set to what you wish. It should be unique if you want a single client to handle all the messages, but should be set to the same value if multiple clients are handling requests in parallel for the same repos. In this case, the values has been set to "my_test_group".
"num_messages" is the maximum message batch size of messages that are processed at one time. In this case, it has been set to 50.
"butler" section is set to the butler configuration. It contains the location of the Butler repository.
The "rses" section is set to the RSEs from which this ingestd daemon will ingest files. It contains the RSEs which it's paying attention to and a mapping between logical file names and physical file names.
The ingestd daemon listens to the topics XRD1 and XRD2 for messages coming from the rucio-daemons-hermesk daemon.