Method | Endpoint | Data in | Data out | description |
post | /api/register | {username, password} | {token} | pass in a username and password and creates a new account for you and returns you a token to be stored and reused |
post | /api/login | {username, password} | {token} | pass in a username and password and validates your user exist and password is correct then sends you a token to store |
get | /api/words | header: token(optional) {filter: [optional]} | {id, infinitive, type, tense, form, infinitive_english, answer} | pass a token and get automatic filtering based on the users settings, or pass no token and just a filter key value and get filtering based on that, or pass nothing and get default values. |
get | /api/words/:id | {} | {id,infinitive, infinitive_english} | pass an id in the url and get the word associated to that id |
post | /api/words | {id, infinitive, type, tense, form, infinitive_english, answer, correct} | "added global and personal" or "added global only" | pass in object recieved from get call with new key value correct (0,1) to udate global data. If you want to update account data must pass a token in the header (token: token) |
get | /api/stats | {} | {global: {global stats}, personal: {personal stats}} | will pass back global stats always and pass back personal stats if token is recieved. |
get | /api/settings | header: token {} | {filter: []} | give a token and get the settings that have been set by this user |
set | /api/settings | header: token {filter: []} | {} | give a token and an array of string filters to update the users settings |