Key Press Color Map
This program captures keystrokes and then creates a color tile mosaic based on what was typed. Below is an example that was generated by typing a short story, about 625 characters, as a demonstration.
To run: Open code in editor of choice and run main from Press the "Start Logger" button. The logger will run in the background. When you are finished, press the "Show Map" button to see your color map.
Note that the logger will continue to run after pressing "Show Map" but a new capture session will begin if you press "Start" again.
Please use caution when entering sensitive information like passwords while the logger is running, since it captures all keystrokes, and saves them in plain text. Future enhancements will include sensitive data handling.
Update: The file containing the keystrokes is destroyed at the end of every logging session, but is still readable during a session. Continue to use caution when typing sensitive data during a logging session. Also, information can be decrypted from the picture representation of your keystrokes, so again, use immense caution when typing sensitive information with the logger running, and if you have made such keystrokes, do not share your color map online.