is a telescope.nvim extension,
that allows running tasks directly from the telescope prompt and displaying their
definitions and outputs in the telescope's previewer.
NOTE This demo uses default generators for Go and Python projects. All available default generators may be seen here, but you can easily write custom generators.
The extension may be installed manually or with a plugin manager of choice.
An example using Lazy.nvim:
First setup and load the extension:
require("telescope").setup {
extensions = {
-- NOTE: this setup is optional
tasks = {
theme = "ivy",
output = {
style = "float", -- "split" | "float" | "tab"
layout = "center", -- "left" | "right" | "center" | "below" | "above"
scale = 0.4, -- output window to editor size ratio
-- NOTE: scale and "center" layout are only relevant when style == "float"
env = {
cargo = {
-- Example environment used when running cargo projects
RUST_LOG = "debug",
-- ...
-- ...
binary = {
-- Example binary used when running python projects
python = "python3",
-- ...
-- NOTE: environment and commands may be modified for each task separately from the picker
-- other picker setup values
-- Load the tasks telescope extension
require("telescope").load_extension "tasks"
NOTE: If you encounter any issues, try
:checkhealth telescope-tasks
See Generators on how to generate tasks.
Then use the extension:
:Telescope tasks
or in lua:
NOTE: See Mappings for the default mappings in the tasks prompt
The last opened output may then be toggled with:
You may either use the Default Generators, or add Custom Generators.
Key | Description |
<CR> |
Run the selected task, or kill it if it is already running. |
<C-o> |
Display the output of the selected task in another window. |
e |
Edit the selected task's associated file (only in normal mode). |
<C-r> |
Remove the output of the selected task. |
<C-a> |
Modify the selected task's command. |
<C-e> |
Modify the selected task's environment variables. |
<C-c> |
Modify the selected task's working directory. |
<C-x> |
Delete the task's modifications. |
<C-u> |
Scroll the previewer up. |
<C-d> |
Scroll the previewer down. |
<C-q> |
Send a task's output to quickfix. |
o |
same as <C-o> but only in normal mode. |
r or d |
same as <C-r> but only in normal mode. |