Demonstrate Spirng JDBCTemplate operation like query(), queryForObject(), QueryForList() and How to retriev AutoGenerated key using PreparedStatementCreator.
#Tech Stack.
Spring JDBC.
HSQL InMemory DB.
JDK 1.7 +.
#DB configuration? Since I am using inMemory Db, no configuration required.
#How to Run?
Clone the project into your local machine.
Enter into the directory through command promt.
Run below gradle task. It build the project and run the test cases.
>gradle clean test
#How to import into Eclipse IDE?
Run the below gradle task to create .eclipse and .project file.
gradle clean eclipse
Above command runs successfully import as existing project.
IntelliJIDEA user can directly import as gradle project.
#Run the test cases from IDE? Open java file called and highlight the method you want to run, Run as Junit test.