Sample Service developed using Spring Boot, Hibernate ORM, H2 inMemory datastore to demonstrate the microservice architecture.
Added HATEOAS feature.
Added support for user interactive documentation using Jsondoc api.
#Tech Stack.
- Spring Boot.
- HibernateORM.
- H2 Datastore.
- HATEOAS. (Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State).
- JsonDoc..
- Fiegn.
- Gradle
- Cucumber
JDK 7 or above.
Gradle (for installation refer
#How to Import into IDE?
Used gradle build tool as dependency management, build and packaging. Go to the cloned/downloaded directory and run the below task.
- For eclipse lovers.
gradlew eclipse
The above task generates two new files .eclipse and .project under root directory. Now you should be able import the project.
- For direct running from command tool window.
gradlew bootRun
This task builds the application and start up the server on default port no 8080, you can change it through have a look.
- For packaging to deliver.
gradlew bootRepackage OR >gradlew clean build bootRepackage
After successful ./microservicedemo-service/build/distributions/ file can be found. To run this directly unzip it you can find ./bin/microservicedemo-service.bat directory to start the server, befor run it do below modification for only windows users.
Replace entire CLASSPATH setting with the "set CLASSPATH=%APP_HOME%\conf;%APP_HOME%\lib*;" . Since windows has limitation in classpath setting. This is bug in gradle .
#How to access documentation?
http://localhost:8080/jsondoc-ui.html and paste the url http://localhost:8080/jsondoc in the text box and click on GetDocumentation button.
#Known Issues and Limitation.
- Validations missing.
- Not written fulfledged unit tests.
- gradle build - Not generating proper service jar.
- .bat has to be modify manually prior to run.