Loryblu is an app designed to help parents and children diagnosed with ASD, especially those looking for or waiting for multidisciplinary treatment, with a playful and interactive environment to contribute in a light, inclusive, and functional way through activities, cognitive stimulation games, and music.
The app has several Stories to help parents with organization, and games for children.
- We use login feature so user can use the app on multiple devices and don't lose their data.
- Logbook: It aims to help parents organize the child's daily tasks.
- LoryEstudioso: allows the responsible person to save tasks related to the child's studies.
- LoryRotina: allows the responsible person to organize the child's tasks, selecting the day of the week, the time of day, and the recurrence.
- Other stories are still under development.
- Android Native with Kotlin
- Compose for all screens
- Koin for Dependency Injection
- Ktor for consume API
- Jetpack Navigation
- Multi modules
- Clean architecture
Modules Responsibilities
app: Contains the application-level classes and scaffolding that tie together the rest of the codebase.
data: Abstraction for accessing data sources, remote or local
- auth: Implementation for auth endpoints. Using Ktor for REST API
core: Resources that is useful for all modules
network: Implementation of Ktor and models that API can return.
ui: UI resources that are used in multiple modules, as strings, drawables and some components.
util: Extensions functions and some type validators that are used in multiple modules
feature: Contains all screens and screen's logic.
buildSrc: Configurations that are used in multiple modules
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.
- André Moraes Filho - Ex Android Developer - André Moraes Filho
- Eduardo Scaranari - Android Developer - Eduardo Scaranari
- Jean Patrick Hartmann - Ex Android Developer - Jean Patrick Hartmann
- Leonardo Pereira Alves - Android Developer - Leonardo Pereira Alves
- Ruliam Santos Oliveira - Android Developer - Ruliam Santos Oliveira