This repo regroups all the small scripts I decided to make at some point. They are in no mean complete or well coded, they are just useful for very specific things.
Here is a list of the scripts in this repo:
Displays a Google Keep list on Windows' wallpaper. Uses ctypes, PIL and gkeepapi Python libraries (see documentation for information). Login information, list ID and wallpaper path have to be set in the code. Use any task scheduler to update the wallpaper regularly.
Its purpose is to enable or disable (toggle) redshift at a given temperature (
redshift-launcher temperature
, see redshift usage for detailed information). Quite useful to use as a keyboard shortcut and/or on login. -
Recreates the add-apt-repository command: just adds the "deb ..." argument to a new file in the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ for Debian distros (does not work with ppa). Mainly done because my distro wouldn't work with the normal add-apt-repository.