Here [EMRI_Waveforms_in_a_nuthsell.ipynb] you can find a pedagogical tutorial on creating Extreme Mass Ratio Inspiral (EMRI) waveforms. We will make an extensive use of the Fast EMRI Waveform (FEW) package Install the FEW package before running the notebook. The installation instructions can be found on Github here. The waveforms in this package combine a variety of separately accessible modules to form EMRI waveforms on both CPUs and GPUs. Generally, the modules fall into four categories: trajectory, amplitudes, summation, and utilities. Please see the documentation for further information on these modules.
If you use all or any parts of this code, please cite and See the documentation to properly cite specific modules.
[BeyondVacuum-EMRIs.ipynb] is a tutorial based on the previous notebook and it shows how to modify an EMRI trajectory in order to include additional effects beyond vacuum. We will make an extensive use of the Fast EMRI Waveform (FEW) package Install the FEW package before running the notebook. The installation instructions can be found on Github here. The waveforms in this package combine a variety of separately accessible modules to form EMRI waveforms on both CPUs and GPUs. Generally, the modules fall into four categories: trajectory, amplitudes, summation, and utilities. Please see the documentation for further information on these modules.
If you use all or any parts of this code, please cite and See the documentation to properly cite specific modules.
- Lorenzo Speri