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This document looks into the relationship between population and area by country using the R programming language. The data used for this analysis is from this wikipedia page.

The ulimate goal of this analysis is to determine countries who are over/under populated when compared against countries with similar area.

Data preperation

Firstly, read in the data. This is farily easy to do in wikipedia. Following this blog post helped me.

html <- ""
xpath <- '//*[@id="mw-content-text"]/div/table'
global <- html %>% read_html() %>%
  html_nodes(xpath = xpath) %>% html_table()

pop_raw <- global[[1]] %>% as_tibble() %>% clean_names() 
## # A tibble: 6 x 9
##   pos   country_or_depe… area_km2 area_mi2 population density_pop_km2
##   <chr> <chr>            <chr>    <chr>    <chr>      <chr>          
## 1 •     World (land onl… 134,940… 52,100,… 7,745,375… 57             
## 2 •     World (land onl… 148,940… 57,510,… 7,745,375… 52             
## 3 •     World (with wat… 510,072… 196,940… 7,745,375… 15             
## 4 –     Macau (China)    32.9     13       667,400    20,286         
## 5 1     Monaco           2.02     0.78     38,300     18,960         
## 6 2     Singapore        722.5    279      5,638,700  7,804          
## # … with 3 more variables: density_pop_mi2 <chr>, date <chr>,
## #   population_source <chr>

Looking at the first 6 rows we can see that this data is in need of a good clean. In the next section of code I remove the commas and mutate the column to their correct types.

pop <- pop_raw %>%
   ~ str_replace_all(., ',', '') %>% as.numeric()
  ) %>%
  mutate(date = mdy(date),
         country_or_dependent_territory = str_remove(country_or_dependent_territory,'( *)\\[note .*')) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(country_or_dependent_territory,"World") ) %>%
  mutate_at(c("population","area_km2"),list(log = log))
## # A tibble: 6 x 11
##   pos   country_or_depe… area_km2 area_mi2 population density_pop_km2
##   <chr> <chr>               <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>           <dbl>
## 1 –     Macau (China)       32.9     13        667400           20286
## 2 1     Monaco               2.02     0.78      38300           18960
## 3 2     Singapore          722.     279       5638700            7804
## 4 –     Hong Kong (Chin…  1106      427       7482500            6765
## 5 –     Gibraltar (UK)       6.8      2.6       33140            4874
## 6 3     Vatican City         0.44     0.17       1000            2273
## # … with 5 more variables: density_pop_mi2 <dbl>, date <date>,
## #   population_source <chr>, population_log <dbl>, area_km2_log <dbl>

This looks much neater.

Data Modelling

Now lets look at the relationship. As the below graph shows, their seems to be a positive relationship between area_km2_log and the population_log. I’ve transformed the predictor variable as there appears to be non-linear associations in the data. As well as this, I’ve transformed the response variable to address the issue of non-constant variance.

pop %>% ggplot(aes(x = area_km2_log, y = population_log)) +
  geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "lm")

Now let’s build a model to help quanitfy this relationship.

pop_model <- lm(population_log ~ area_km2_log,pop)

## Call:
## lm(formula = population_log ~ area_km2_log, data = pop)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -7.2984 -0.6545  0.1625  0.8472  3.9283 
## Coefficients:
##              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)   6.83910    0.29710   23.02   <2e-16 ***
## area_km2_log  0.75677    0.02771   27.31   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 1.529 on 249 degrees of freedom
##   (1 observation deleted due to missingness)
## Multiple R-squared:  0.7497, Adjusted R-squared:  0.7487 
## F-statistic: 745.8 on 1 and 249 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

Looking at the summary, it appears there is a relationship between the two variables. The p value is less than 5% so we can reject the null hypothesis. The R squared value of 0.75 informs us that the relationship is strong but there is room for improving this model.

Let’s look at the residual plots to see if model follows assumptions.


As this is only for fun, I’m happy with the residual plots and model statistics and feel it is suited for the purpose of this analysis.

Let’s obtain residuals and convert them back into normal figures rather than log of population.

pop_aug <- pop_model %>% augment(pop) %>%
  mutate(.resid = round(exp(.fitted)-population),
         .fitted = round(exp(.fitted)),
         error = round(population/.fitted,2))


Looking at the below, Macau and Singapore are two of the countries who are over populated when compared against countries with similar area.

UK makes the top 20.

view_pop <- pop_aug %>%  filter(population > 100000) %>% select(country_or_dependent_territory,area_km2,population,.fitted,.resid,error)

view_pop %>% arrange(desc(error)) %>% head(20) %>%  kable(caption = "Over Populated Countries",format = "markdown",format.args = list(big.mark = ",",scientific =F))
country_or_dependent_territory area_km2 population .fitted .resid error
Macau (China) 32.9 667,400 13,133 -654,267 50.82
Singapore 722.5 5,638,700 136,040 -5,502,660 41.45
Hong Kong (China) 1,106.0 7,482,500 187,762 -7,294,738 39.85
Bangladesh 143,998.0 167,533,646 7,479,575 -160,054,071 22.40
India 3,287,240.0 1,354,430,150 79,786,890 -1,274,643,260 16.98
Bahrain 778.0 1,543,300 143,877 -1,399,423 10.73
South Korea 100,210.0 51,811,167 5,684,951 -46,126,216 9.11
Taiwan 36,197.0 23,593,794 2,630,592 -20,963,202 8.97
Philippines 300,000.0 108,480,840 13,034,936 -95,445,904 8.32
Japan 377,944.0 126,140,000 15,524,504 -110,615,496 8.13
China 9,640,821.0 1,399,866,680 180,118,171 -1,219,748,509 7.77
Pakistan 803,940.0 206,580,217 27,484,284 -179,095,933 7.52
Palestine 6,020.0 4,976,684 676,817 -4,299,867 7.35
Malta 315.0 493,559 72,582 -420,977 6.80
Vietnam 331,212.0 94,660,000 14,048,778 -80,611,222 6.74
Lebanon 10,452.0 6,855,713 1,027,533 -5,828,180 6.67
Nigeria 923,768.0 200,962,000 30,531,451 -170,430,549 6.58
Rwanda 26,338.0 12,374,397 2,068,003 -10,306,394 5.98
United Kingdom 242,910.0 66,435,600 11,110,440 -55,325,160 5.98
Netherlands 41,526.0 17,356,488 2,918,724 -14,437,764 5.95

Similarly, we can see French Guiana and Western Sahara are two countries who are currently under populated when compared against countries of similar area. Western sahara is no surpise as it is predominately desert and from a quick google search it appears French Guiana comprises of mostly tropical rainforests.

view_pop %>% arrange(error) %>% head(20) %>%  kable(caption = "Under Populated Countries",format = "markdown",format.args = list(big.mark = ",",scientific =F))
country_or_dependent_territory area_km2 population .fitted .resid error
French Guiana (France) 86,504 244,118 5,086,138 4,842,020 0.05
Western Sahara 252,120 567,421 11,427,786 10,860,365 0.05
Iceland 102,775 360,390 5,794,733 5,434,343 0.06
Suriname 163,820 568,301 8,246,392 7,678,091 0.07
Mongolia 1,564,100 3,000,000 45,480,184 42,480,184 0.07
Guyana 214,999 782,225 10,130,144 9,347,919 0.08
Namibia 825,118 2,413,643 28,030,459 25,616,816 0.09
Botswana 581,730 2,302,878 21,515,747 19,212,869 0.11
Mauritania 1,030,700 3,984,233 33,170,084 29,185,851 0.12
Libya 1,770,060 6,470,956 49,943,456 43,472,500 0.13
Artsakh 11,458 150,932 1,101,534 950,602 0.14
New Caledonia (France) 18,575 258,958 1,587,756 1,328,798 0.16
Gabon 267,667 2,067,561 11,957,179 9,889,618 0.17
Australia 7,692,024 25,512,080 151,823,297 126,311,217 0.17
Canada 9,984,670 37,804,808 184,958,951 147,154,143 0.20
Belize 22,965 398,050 1,864,279 1,466,229 0.21
Central African Republic 622,436 4,737,423 22,645,674 17,908,251 0.21
Vanuatu 12,281 304,500 1,160,902 856,402 0.26
Abkhazia 8,660 243,206 891,213 648,007 0.27
Kazakhstan 2,724,900 18,356,900 69,225,992 50,869,092 0.27

Further Work

There is still work to do to improve model. Adding the following may be good starting points.

  • Average temperature
  • GDP per capita
  • Mountinous area


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