🚀 Features
- components:
- add vue3-google-map - by @loicduong (36743)
- add mapxus map - by @loicduong (166fb)
- add ag-grid - by @loicduong (d2fe4)
- add d3 - by @loicduong (61c62)
- remove mapxus - by @loicduong (f3806)
- add json editor vue - by @loicduong (f0327)
- add vue json pretty - by @loicduong (e29c7)
- projects:
- remove vite plugin progress - by @loicduong (bc8f6)
- support show tab when not loggedIn - by @loicduong (1e5c4)
- multi language buttons support hiding - by @loicduong (e2815)
- update auth background - by @loicduong (36418)
🐞 Bug Fixes
- hooks:
- the total number before assigning a value to the table is incorrect - by @loicduong (1616f)
- projects:
- fix route guard hook onRouteSwitchWhenLoggedIn - by @loicduong (11142)
- check if init userInfo when initAuthRoute - by @loicduong (2c154)
- fix login success notification - by @loicduong (8acf7)
🛠 Optimizations
- projects:
- optimize vite - by @loicduong (bd039)
- optimize router guard - by @loicduong (7a6c3)
- use defu to fill added theme config - by @loicduong (0cdf5)
🏡 Chore
- deps:
- update deps - by @loicduong (80155)
- projects:
- update deps - by @loicduong (e28cb)
- remove home warning - by @loicduong (19230)
- update license - by @loicduong (a0c91)
- update deps & fix vite config - by @loicduong (05eaf)