WRF_Hydro model evaluation R scripts.
Create properly formatted mask objects:
- Update the parameters in urg_process_MASKS.R:
- Optional info to process existing mask files
- Pathname to the high-res grid and aggregation factor if creating from scratch
- Output R dataset filename
- The script will create a number of mask objects:
- msk.List - the basin mask matrices
- msk.areaList - the total area of each basin
- msk.nameList
- msk.minInds
- msk.maxInds
- msk.countInds where mskgeo are masks at the geogrid resolution and maskhyd are masks at the high-res routing resolution
- The script also stores any relevant lookup tables (that you must manually specify)
Download and prep observations. See:
- urg_prep_AMF.R
- urg_prep_SNOTEL.R
- urg_prep_MET.R
- urg_prep_STR.R
- Read in model output
- Update the parameters in the urg_modelreads_ALL.R:
- Path to the model output directory
- Path to the forcing data (if needed)
- Pathname for the output R dataset
- Suffix to add to the objects to identify them
- Options to run
- Run the urg_modelreads_ALL.R script: ./jobIS_reads.sh
- The script will create a new R dataset with "raw" data objects. Possible objects (depending on which options you choose):
- modFrxstout - streamflow time series
- modGwout - groundwater outflow time series
- modLdasin - climate forcings
- modLdasout - LSM output
- Objects will be appended with "_BAS" for basin means and "_SNO" for point values.
- Import these new "raw" dataframes into the master "raw" dataframe containing output from all model runs.
- Process the model output by basin:
- Update the parameters in the urg_process_BASIN.R:
- Pathname to the raw dataset from step 1
- Pathname for the output R dataset
- Suffixes to process (all or some subset of those from step 1)
- Dates that each of the model runs stopped putting out meaningful data (in case the model ran out with static forcings)
- Start date to restrict the output data to (applies to all models)
- Start and end dates to restrict the full stats calcs
- Start and end dates to restrict the subset stats calcs
- Run the urg_process_BASIN.R script: ./jobIS_procBAS.sh
- The script will create a new R dataset with processed data objects at the basin scale. The objects will be same as in step 1 with new fields added. New objects include:
- stats_str - summary statistics for each model run
- stats_str_all - combined object with summary statistics for all runs
- Process the model output by station:
- Update the parameters in the urg_process_SNOTEL.R:
- Pathname to the raw dataset from step 1
- Pathname for the output R dataset
- Suffixes to process (all or some subset of those from step 1)
- Dates that each of the model runs stopped putting out meaningful data (in case the model ran out with static forcings)
- Start date to restrict the output data to (applies to all models)
- Start and end dates to restrict the full stats calcs
- Start and end dates to restrict the subset stats calcs
- Options to run
- Run the urg_process_SNOTEL.R script: ./jobIS_procSNO.sh
- The script will create a new R dataset with processed data objects at the point station scale. The objects will be same as in step 1 with new fields added. New objects include:
- .metd - objects as above but aggregated to the MET station day
- .snod - objects as above but aggregated to the SNOTEL station day
- stats_met_all - combined summary statistics for each model run compared to the MET stations
- stats_sno_all - combined summary statistics for each model run compared to the SNOTEL stations
- Create plots:
- Update the parameters in urg_plots_BASIN.R or urg_plots_SNOTEL.R:
- Pathname to the processed R dataset
- Pathname to the directory to output plots
- Start and end date to restrict the plots
- Run the plot script to generate plot images. NOTE: plot function are stored in a separate R script file that is sourced by this script. This file specifies the loops over basins/sites, the plot function calls and the file exports.