"Little Esty Shop" is a group project that requires students to build a fictitious e-commerce platform where merchants and admins can manage inventory and fulfill customer invoices.
- Practice designing a normalized database schema and defining model relationships
- Utilize advanced routing techniques including namespacing to organize and group like functionality together.
- Utilize advanced active record techniques to perform complex database queries
- [Optional] Practice consuming a public API while utilizing POROs as a way to apply OOP principles to organize code
- Must use Rails 7.0.x, Ruby 3.2.2
- Must use PostgreSQL
- All code must be tested via feature tests and model tests, respectively
- Must use GitHub branching, team code reviews via GitHub PR comments, and either GitHub Projects or a project management tool of your group's choice (Trello, Notion, etc.)
- Must include a thorough README to describe the project
- README should include a basic description of the project, a summary of the work completed, and some ideas for a potential contributor to work on/refactor next. Also include the names and GitHub links of all student contributors on your project.
- Must deploy completed code to the internet (using Heroku or Render)
- Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment is not allowed
- Use of scaffolding is not allowed
- Any gems added to the project must be approved by an instructor
- Pre-approved gems are
capybara, pry, faker, factory_bot_rails, orderly, simplecov, shoulda-matchers, launchy
- Pre-approved gems are
- Fork this repository
- Clone your fork
- From the command line, install gems and set up your DB:
rails db:create
- Run the test suite with
bundle exec rspec
. - Run your development server with
rails s
to see the app in action.
Noelle H., Allan E., Joop S., Blake S.
This project focuses on developing a usable shop management application for both a merchant and and admin. Merchants will have a dashboard, an items index and show page, and an invoices index and show page. Admins will have their own dashboard, merchants index and show pages, as well as an invoices index and show page.
To start the project we first had to implement a way to load the individual csv's of data (customers, invoice_items, invoices, items, merchants, & transactions).
Next, the group was broken up into two teams to tackle the two sides of the project: the Admin (Joop & Blake) and the Merchant (Allan & Noelle)
[Admins] An Admin needed to have the ability to: have links to all merchants (show pages), edit and create new merchants. An admins show page also shows merchant statistics (best days, total revenue, etc.), notes on revenue calculations, invoice information, and a way to control the status of a merchant or a merchants invoice.
[Merchants] A Merchant needed to have the ability to: render its top customers, show items ready to ship, and have sorted invoices on its show page; merchants also had both an items and invoices index & show page. An items index held a list of items with name, description and price, a way to change an items status, their most popular items, and best sales day. The invoices page held specific invoice information such as item names, quantity ordered, sales prices (plus total revenue), as well as a way to also change the status of an invoice.
[Class methods] top_customers, incomplete, top_mechants
[Instance methods] formatted_date, total_revenue, top_customers, items_to_ship, best_day, best_day_data, most_popular_items
SQL statements to active record: While the SQL queries are contained and not susceptible to attacks, rewriting them in ActiveRecord would be good practice for preventing SQL injection attacks for Rails features that take an argument.
Add more visual/styling to the welcome/show/index pages