SPARQLfly is meant as a lightweight tool in order to assist you in developing/testing SPARQL queries, without the need to install/setup any software. In particular, you can query small rdf/ttl/n3 files available from the web.
- enables to execute SPARQL queries on remote triples (RDF/TTL/N3 files stored on a remote server) by using the FROM clause
- multiple files (using multiple from clauses) will be automatically merged into one graph
- full ARQ support
- support of spatial functions using the PREFIX ext: java:org.geospatialweb.arqext. extension
- does some reasoning on-the-fly (RDFS++ - rdfs:subClassOf,rdfs:subPropertyOf,rdfs:domain,rdfs:range,owl:inverseOf,owl:TransitiveProperty,owl:sameAs)
A running demo is available at
Assuming you have the required libs on your path, simply start the server via
java de.ifgi.lodum.sparqlfly.SparqlFlyServer [port]
For example, java de.ifgi.lodum.sparqlfly.SparqlFlyServer 8080