APIs that help in writing data from Spark and Spark Streaming to Kafka. To use this in a Spark
application, use Cloudera mvn repos: https://repository.cloudera.com/artifactory/cloudera-repos
and https://repository.cloudera.com/artifactory/libs-snapshot-local
Latest release artifact info, on maven:
repository: https://repository.cloudera.com/artifactory/cloudera-repos
groupId: org.cloudera.spark.streaming.kafka
artifactId: spark-kafka-writer
version: 0.1.0
To write to Kafka from a Spark app in Scala:
Import this object in this form:
import org.cloudera.spark.streaming.kafka.KafkaWriter._
Once this is done, the writeToKafka
method can be called on the DStream
object in this form:
dstream.writeToKafka(producerConfig, serializerFunc)
where the producerConfig
is a properties object that defines the configuration that needs to be
passed to the Kafka producer, and serializerFunc
is a function that takes the each element
from the DStream and converts it into the format that has to be used to write to Kafka (the
output of this method is passed as is to the Kafka producer).
To write an RDD
to Kafka, there is an equivalent method, which can be used in the exact same
way as above.
rdd.writeToKafka(producerConfig, serializerFunc)
To write a Java DStream to Kafka:
JavaDStreamKafkaWriter<String> writer = JavaDStreamKafkaWriterFactory.fromJavaDStream(instream);
writer.writeToKafka(producerConf, new ProcessingFunc());
Equivalently, a Java RDD can be written to Kafka in the following format:
JavaRDDKafkaWriter<String> writer = JavaRDDKafkaWriterFactory.fromJavaRDD(inrdd);
writer.writeToKafka(producerConf, new ProcessingFunc());
must be an implementation of the org.apache.spark.api.java.function.Function
class, and the producerConf
is a Properties
object containing the properties to be passed to
Kafka Producer.
The current released version is 0.1.0, built against Apache Spark 1.3.0-cdh5.4.8 and
Cloudera's distribution of Apache Kafka