I'm learning to be a new Ruster recently and making some study on dilithium, so I treat it as a practice project of my Rust leanring.
warning: It shouldn't be applied to any realistic project.
Several tips:
- We use sha3 crate as our CRH and XOF
- We offer several test examples of dilithium in our unit test
I compared our performance with official ref and avx implemenation in Intel Core i5-8265U @ 8x 1.8GHz of my HUAWEI Laptop, the OS is Ubuntu20.04-WSL:
KeyPair | Sign | Verify | |
My rust implementation | 200842 | 639286 | 200787 |
ref implementation | 176933 | 787787 | 196560 |
AVX optimization | 106025 | 303899 | 107837 |
The sign crate offers 3 apis:
key_pair(seed: &[u8; 32], security_level: u8) -> (Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>)
sign(sk: &Vec<u8>, m: &Vec<u8>, security_level: u8) -> Vec<u8>
verify(delta: &Vec<u8>, pk: &Vec<u8>, m: &Vec<u8>) -> bool