Just a simple practice app to work on javascript/jquery/mongoDB/express.
This was created using the MEN stack. The login was handled by using passport.js, and the templating was done by using ejs. This app basically allows the users to create infinite routes to stories using a Choose your own adventure fortmat. The users write their own stories and provide the choices. Alternate versions of these stories can be created by the users, and if the choices do not exist, any user can add on the story. The stories are sorted by a simple popularity system, where a user can upvote a story(unlimited amount of times for now).
Upon downloading this directory, you can run
- npm install
to install all the dependencies and use node app.js to start the app.
- You will need to provide your own mongodb database in app.js to link the database.
This app will be hosted on port 3000 by default.
- Gyeong Jo Kim - Backend and some front-end
- Jiwoo Kim - Html + css
- Danny Li - Html + css