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EQL5 is a (extended) Qt5 port of EQL/Qt4

mailing list
contact: gmail, polos.ruetz

Many thanks to the users of the eql-user mailing list and to private mail contacts for your contributions and testing!

Build (for the impatient)

In src/ do:

  $ ecl -shell make   # will take a while
  $ qmake    # comment out all modules you don't need
  $ make
  $ sudo make install # Unix only

Now you should be able to run eql5.

If there are problems, or you want more info, see detailed instructions below.

Tested with:

Linux (development platform), with both gcc and clang:

  • ECL 16.1.2
  • Qt 5.5.1 (with module :webkit)
  • Qt 5.8 (with module :webengine)


  • MSVC 2010, MinGW 4.9
  • ECL git 2017-02 / 32 bit
  • Qt 5.5.1 / 32 bit (precompiled from archives; contains WebKit)


  • MSVC 2015
  • ECL git 2016-11 / 64 bit (see flag in Makefile)
  • Qt 5.7 / 64 bit (precompiled from archives; WebKit is not included)


  • not tested personally, but has been reported to work (with clang)


MinGW note: in order to build successfully, I needed to:

  • change a typedef in ecl.h (after building ECL); see compile error;
  • comment out all offending lines of module :quick; see SGTexture related linker errors; the source files are in eql5/src/gen/quick/;


  • ECL (both threads & unicode enabled, as by default)
  • Qt >= 5.5

QtWebKit note:

If you want QtWebKit included in the official downloads from archives, you need to choose Qt 5.5, and not later versions!
QtWebKit will continue to work with versions > 5.5, but it has to be compiled manually (which is not fun).
QtWebKit has a better, more native integration with Qt than QtWebEngine, see for example QWebElement, which doesn't exist in QtWebEngine.


Install the ECL sources, and build it from the sources (ECL needs to be built with the same compiler you'll use to compile EQL5).

Just use the standard configuration of ECL (both threads & unicode enabled).

Download Qt5 from here (pay attention to choose the version compiled with the same compiler you'll use to compile EQL5):

Qt4/Qt5 note:

You can have both old EQL (Qt4) and EQL5 (Qt5) installed in parallel (exe and lib names differ).

If you have both Qt4 and Qt5 installed, you can use the following environment variable to switch between the both on Unix (which requires the different Qt bin/ directories to be in PATH):

  $ export QT_SELECT=5

Please note that you need to build EQL5 in a path where you will keep it (you can't move around the whole file tree later, since the build path needs to be hard-coded in the executable).


(N.B. for rebuilding, please see README-2-REBUILD)


You first need to adapt the file src/windows.pri (include & library paths).

You also should add your eql5 directory (for eventual C++ modules), e.g:

  INCLUDEPATH += ... c:/eql5/src
  LIBS        += ... -Lc:/eql5

Since EQL5 requires the C compiler anyway (not the bytecode compiler), you should put this line in your ~/.eclrc:

  (require :cmp)


Substitute make with nmake.


If make is stuck in an infinite loop of creating the Makefile, just remove the line include(windows.pri) from your *.pro file, setting eventually needed paths in your ~/.profile instead.

1) Build Lisp lib

  $ cd src
  $ ecl -shell make.lisp

2) Build C++ lib, exe, modules

Edit and comment out all modules you don't need.
Then run:

  $ qmake
  $ make
  $ sudo make install # Unix only

This will build the shared library, the executable and the modules.

If you ran make install, you'll find the installed files here:


3) Environment


N.B. skip this if you did sudo make install
You need to create links to EQL5, something like:

  $ cd /usr/lib
  $ sudo ln -s ~/eql5/
  $ cd /usr/bin
  $ sudo ln -s ~/eql5/eql5 eql5


N.B. skip this if you did sudo make install
You need to create links to EQL5, something like:

  $ cd /usr/local/lib
  $ sudo ln -s ~/eql5/libeql5.1.dylib libeql5.1.dylib
  $ cd /usr/local/bin
  $ sudo ln -s ~/eql5/ eql5


Add your EQL5 directory to the Path environment variable, see:
<Control Panel:System:Advanced:Environment Variables>


You can run a simple interactive REPL UI doing:

  $ eql5 -qgui

To run a Lisp file without top-level, do:

  $ eql5 examples/2-clock

(If you don't see the application window, it might be in the background. Use your taskbar to show it.)

If you start the EQL5 executable without arguments, it will start the usual ECL top-level (without processing Qt events).

To not load ~/.eclrc on startup, do:

  $ eql5 -norc

To quit the tool, do:

  (eql:qquit) ; or

In order to run (sort of) a top-level processing Qt events, do:

  $ eql5 -qtpl


If you want to use ecl-readline together with -qtpl, just compile lib/ecl-readline.lisp (which depends on the readline C library).
It will then be loaded automatically on startup:

  $ cd ~/eql5/lib
  $ ecl -compile ecl-readline.lisp

N.B: Using readline, you will often need to reset (command) your console/shell after EQL5 finished working, especially during development time or other exits than (eql:qquit).
An alias in ~/.bashrc can help to make this less annoying, since you might not see the command while typing:

  $ alias r=reset

Qt modules

(help, multimedia, network, quick, sql, svg, webengine, webkit)

N.B. skip this if you already built from (see above)
To build an EQL5 module (corresponding to a Qt module), do the following in src/:

  $ qmake module_<name>.pro # e.g. qmake
  $ make
  $ sudo make install       # Unix only

Linux, macOS

(N.B. skip this if you did sudo make install)
You need to create links to the modules, see EQL5 shared library above.

In Lisp, use function qrequire to load a module:

  (qrequire :network)


You might want to put this in your ~/.eclrc file:

  (setf eql:*qtpl*            t  ; same as -qtpl
        eql:*break-on-errors* t)

Please see also example examples/X-extras/CLOS-encapsulation.lisp for encapsulation of Qt classes in Lisp classes or structs (that is, Lisp classes that behave like a Qt class if passed to Qt functions).


For additional information see doc/index.html.



For make-qimage (contributed by Mark Cox), please see LICENSE-MAKE-QIMAGE.txt.