irssi scripts made for different purposes
Put the script file (.pl) in ~/.irssi/scripts/, and then load it in irssi by typing: /script load
To stop the script, type: /script unload
You can make the script autorun by placing it (or placing a link to it) in ~/.irssi/scripts/autorun/
A script that kickban users who post referral URLs. It can operate in paranoid mode or normal mode. In paranoid mode, any user posting in his message a URL that does not match a site in the whitelist will be kickbanned. In normal mode, the URL will be checked against a blacklist first, then the user will only get kickbanned if his URL doesn't match a site in the whitelist and he meets some criterion that identifies referral URLs.
/kbanref is the command name of the script. Typing /kbanref will only enumerate the sub-commands of the script. /kbanref help will list all the sub-commands with a short explanation for each.
A script that is designed to automate the escape from #dontjoinitsatrap channel on Rizon network, or similar channels in other networks. The logic of the channel is simple: the user will be forced by the network to auto-rejoin if he/she were to leave by normal methods. One of the permitted ways to part the channel is when the TrapBot declares a small time frame (typically 1 minute) that allows users to leave. This script will auto-part from the channel when that happens.
You can change both the trapping channel name and bot name by changing the values of quickescape_channel and quickescape_bot respectively in irssi settings.