A fully native Mattermost client built in WPF.
##Why fully native? Currently, the only Windows Standalone Mattermost client is one built with Electron. It's basically just a wrapper around the web client. This has several deficiencies, most notably the lack of offline support.
#Status This program is still very much in development. I've probably only spend the equivalent of a couple of days on it so far.
The list of current features:
- Authentication
- Listing and switching channels
- Retrieving the last 30 posts
- Creating new posts
- Real time messaging (a websocket connection to the server to instantly be notified of new posts)
Current working on:
- Local storage
- Server info (including token) to automatically log on
- Caching posts, channels and users to give some basic offline functionality
#Notes This is being developed with Visual Studio 2015, however it should still work in older versions of VS (it's not building with C# 6.0).
Currently, the "Server URL" on the login screen MUST NOT end with a slash, and must not include the team name. These restrictions will be lifted in the future, I just haven't gotten around to parsing and validating the URL yet!
I will be going through the code soon and commenting everything. I didn't originally intend for this project to be public, so I didn't bother commenting as I went.