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Trajectory Guide

Dipendra Misra edited this page Nov 5, 2018 · 1 revision

Trajectories are in JSON format:




"miscInteractions": [],

"rRotations": [],

"houseSetup": "houseSetupName"

"coreIEnabled": true/false

"drawerIEnabled": true/false

"miscIEnabled": true/false

"inputLog": [],

From the PData Class

DataInOneSecond[] dios : The data collected in one time interval

Variable Name Type Purpose
time float time stamp for one time interval
playerLocation Vector3 the player's Vector3 location
playerRotation Quaternion the player's rotation
playerInteractState InteractState state that the player was in, see the Interact script for the states
cameraRotation Quaternion the camera's rotation (like the head's rotation)
objName string if a player is interacting with an item, the name of the item, otherwise **null**
objRotation Quaternion the object's rotation while being held
objPosition Vector3 the interacted object's position while being held

float[] sceneSwitches : When a player switched scenes(rooms)

TurnOnInteractRecord[] miscInteractions

Variable Name Type Purpose
second float time that something was turned on/off
interactedObject string name of the object that was interacted with

float[] rRotations : when a player pressed "R", to rotate an item being held

string houseSetup : the name of the houseSetup

coreIEnabled: true/false on if core interaction like picking and placing objects is enabled

drawerIEnabled: true/false on if drawer interactions are enabled

miscIEnabled: true/false on if misc interactions are enabled like turning on the TV, turning on the tap

InputLog[] inputLog

Variable Name Type Purpose
time float time stamp, uses deltatime rather than my GenTimer
key string the key that was pressed
keyMethod string should be up or down, when the player pressed down or released the key
playerPosition Vector3 player's Vector3 position
playerRotation Quaternion the player's rotation
CamRotation Quaternion Camera's rotation- "head swivel"
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