Posters about the Lift language
Poster by Thomas Koehler: An Extensible Compiler to Optimize Image Processing, at the SICSA PhD Conference in Stirling, UK, 18/06/2019.
Poster by Christof Schlaak: High-Level Synthesis of Neural Networks for FPGAs, at the HiPEAC CSW Spring 2019 at the University of Edinburgh, UK, 16/04/2019.
Poster by Naums Mogers: Towards Mapping Lift to Deep Neural Network Accelerators, at the HiPEAC 2019 conference in Valencia Spain, 21/01/2019.
Poster by Bastian Hagedorn: Performance Portable Stencil Code Generation, at the PUMPS Summer School 2017 at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), Spain, 28/06/2017.
Poster by Larisa Stoltzfus: A Modular Approach to Performance, Portability and Productivity for 3D Wave Models Using the Lift Framework, at the PPar Student Showcase Event at the University of Edinburgh, UK, 14/06/2017.
Poster by Naums Mogers: Optimization of Neural Computations Using a Functional Data-Parallel Language, at the PPar Student Showcase Event at the University of Edinburgh, UK, 14/06/2017.
Poster by Federico Pizzuti: Parallelizing Non-Associative Sequential Reductions, at the PPar Student Showcase Event at the University of Edinburgh, UK, 14/06/2017.
Poster by Naums Mogers: Optimization of Neural Computations Using a Functional Data-Parallel Language, at the PPar Industrial Engagement Event at the University of Edinburgh, UK, 10/11/2016.
Poster by Toomas Remmelg: Matrix Multiplication Beyond Auto-Tuning: Rewrite Based GPU Code Generation, at the International Conference on Compilers, Architectures and Synthesis for Embedded Systems (CASES) 2016 in Pittsburgh, USA, 04/10/2016.