MathWordle is a text-based game inspired by Mathler —a math version of Wordle.
After cloning the project, run:
A visualization of the input format
----------Rules in regards to the guess format:
- Your guess must be in the format of: A 2 digit number, operator, 1 digit number, operator, 1 digit number Example: If you were given a target answer of 980, a valid guess would be 98 * 5 * 2
----------Rules in regards to counting:
-------Character count:
- Your guess must contain 6 characters -- no more, no less
- What kinds of characters will count towards the count? Digits and operators (i.e: +, -, *, /, and not including =).
- Spaces do not count towards the character count (i.e: you can include as many spaces as you like
-------Guess count:
- Repeated valid guesses also count towards the guess count