The notebook batch_conv.ipynb contains the code for forward and backward pass, as well as a numerical gradient check.
The file conv_nocolors.ipynb and conv.ipynb show early prototypes, without color dimensions and without parallelization across a batch.
The file edge_detection.ipynb contains a sample application. This convolution operation is used to detect edges in an image.
import numpy as np
The image is in the format: batch_size, width, height, colors
The filter is: width, height, in_colors, out_colors
# dimensions of the image
batch_size, dim_x, dim_y, colors=2, 10, 11, 5
# dimensions of the filter
kernel_x, kernel_y, in_colors, out_colors=2, 3, colors, 4
# using random numbers to fill the image and the weights
im=np.random.rand(batch_size, dim_x, dim_y, colors)
weights=np.random.rand(kernel_x, kernel_y, in_colors, out_colors)
def convolve(im, weights):
# get the dimensions of image and kernel
kernel_x, kernel_y, in_colors, out_colors=weights.shape
batch_size, dim_x, dim_y, colors=im.shape
# allocate an output array
# the batch_size stays the same, the number of colors is specified in the shape of the filter
# but the x and y dimensions of the output need to be calculated
# the formula is:
# out_x = in_x - filter_x +1
out=np.empty((batch_size, dim_x-kernel_x+1, dim_y-kernel_y+1, out_colors))
# look at every coordinate in the output
for i in range(out.shape[1]):
for j in range(out.shape[2]):
# at this location, slice a rectangle out of the input image
# the batch_size and the colors are retained
# crop has the shape: batch_size, kernel_x, kernel_y, in_colors
crop=im[:,i:i+kernel_x, j:j+kernel_y]
# the values in crop will be multiplied by the weights
# look how the shapes match:
# crop: batch_size, x, y, in_colors
# weights: x, y, in_colors, out_colors
# numpy can broadcast this, but ONLY if an extra dimension is added to crop
# crop now has the shape: batch_size, x, y, in_colors, 1
crop=np.expand_dims(crop, axis=-1)
# numpy broadcast magic
# in parallel along the batch_size
# matches the x, y and in_colors dimensions and multiplies them pairwise
# res has the shape: batch_size, x, y, in_colors, out_colors
# we want to sum along x, y, and in_colors
# those are the dimensions 1, 2, 3
# we want to keep the batch_size and the out_colors
res=np.apply_over_axes(np.sum, res, [1,2,3]).reshape(batch_size,-1)
return out
Use the new convolve function to compute the output of the convolution. Calculate an output value which will be used to test the backward pass later on.
out=convolve(im, weights)
# set up a random weight for every entry in the output
# multiply the output with the random weights, reduce it by summing everything
# This scalar output value depends on every entry in the output
# If you change an entry, the output value will change with the random weight
# therefore, it is possible to identify which value in the output has changed
The backward pass is a convolution with weights that are:
- mirrored along the x axis
- mirrored along the y axis
- transposed: in_colors and out_colors are switched
This convolution has to be performed in a padded output. The gradients (output of this convolution) need to match the shape of the input. By applying the convolution, the x and y dimensions are reduced by (kernel_x-1) and (kernel_y-1) respectively.
Before applying the convolution for the backward pass, the output will be padded with 2(kernel_x-1).
# set up an array for the padded output
padded=np.zeros((batch_size, out_shape[1]+2*(kernel_x-1), out_shape[2]+2*(kernel_y-1), out_colors))
# copy the output to its center
padded[:, kernel_x-1:kernel_x-1+out_shape[1], kernel_y-1:kernel_y-1+out_shape[2]]=debug_weights
# plotting the padded output.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7fcacc1ffcf8>
# the weights for the backward pass have to be adapted.
# now the gradient can be computed with a simple convolution
grads=convolve(padded, backward_weights)
# the shape is just that of the input
(2, 10, 11, 5)
Calculating a numerical derivative and comparing it to the grads array. It works :)
for idx in np.ndindex(im.shape):
# numerical derivative
d_out=convolve(d_im, weights)
# comparison
assert np.abs(grad-grads[idx])<tol, idx