This is server for providing search API for CouchPotato for some russian trackers like RuTracker.
All you need is Python 2.7 and PIP, you can grab one here.
To install dependencies, cd to repository's directory and run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Copy file
and edit in you login/password for RuTracker as well as host and port you want.
By default, server will listen on
Your CouchPotato server MUST have access to your PC with this server to send search requests. Also you should check if RuTracker is available from your network.
- You run cp-ru-server on your PC/server/whatever
- You add custom search provider in CouchPotato settings like described here
- As host you paste address of host and port
- When you search for a movie in CP:
- CP server'll send search request to cp-ru-server instance
- cp-ru-server will parse it and search on RuTracker for releases with such name and IMDB id
- you'll see found releases as always
- When you want to add release to queue:
- CP server'll send download request to cp-ru-server instance
- as long as your client should be authorized on RuTracker for downloading, download links in JSON answers to CP are pointing cp-ru-server's address and port, but with different arguments
- so on torrent file download request .torrent file for choosen release will be downloaded into
subdirectory of current directory - aaaaand will be sent to CP server as a response
- Search on RuTracker, but with some limitations:
- at least one of words should be at least 3 characters (because I remove short words (IMDB having some issues with namings sometimes))
- I'm not sure if searching using russian letters is working
- I'm not sure if searching for russian/USSR movies is working (because of Unicode and stuff), also see previous item
… but I need more features / not this / not exactly this / I want to use Sonarr / I want to use Headphones (underline whatever applicable)
Great! I'm also want to add more features for this server, but I don't have much time for developing and debugging. So, your issues/pull requests/suggestions are welcome! For now this is my want list:
- fix searching using russian (Unicode) letters / fix searching for russian/USSR movies
- support for authorization using login/hash instead of login/password
- add more trackers (like
- add support for proxies
- search for ability to download .torrent files directly from RuTracker
- code cleanup/refactoring
Feel free to fork and rewrite/fix code, but let's make this repo pretty useful. If you have some fixes and/or improvement, please, create pull requests!
RuTracker searcher/downloader based on external project by Skymirrh located here.