A repository that contains the docker image for SAUVC
Owner: Leonardo Edgar ([email protected])
Welcome to NTU MECATron SAUVC (Singapore Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Challenge) project! There are just a few steps to get you started with developing!
- Compute
- Any computer (with amd64 architecture)
- Arduino Mega 2560
- Xsens MTi-300 (100 series)
- Software packages
- Git >= 2.17.2
- Docker >= 20.10
- Docker Compose >= 1.29.2
- To pull and update dependent repositories
- To build the development docker image
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yaml build
- To build the deployment docker image
docker-compose build
- To build update the arduino liibrary
- Copy all libraries into ~/Arduino/libraries/
- Update the arduino using the development container
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yaml run rosmaster cd Arduino/libraries && ./build_arduino.sh
- To run the development container
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yaml run rosmaster
To run the deployment container
- Upload Arduino script using the Arduino IDE (To ensure ROS Serial can detect ROS nodes in Arduino)
- Start all docker services
docker-compose up
To run the IMU (Xsens MTi)