a simple stack.yaml
+ .cabal
to build an isolated haskell environment
for a specific Tidal version (and specific addons)
and make emacs use it.
this assumes you:
- have stack installed (in
) - have emacs configured for (your main) tidal,
that is: yourequire 'tidal
somewhere on emacs init.
get the source:
git clone https://github.com/lennart/tidal-suite
build the environment
cd tidal-suite
stack setup && stack build
enter the isolated environment
stack repl --ghci-options=-XOverloadedStrings
and check whether we can access core tidal features:
GHCi, version 8.0.1: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help
*Main Lib Sound.Tidal.Bjorklund Sound.Tidal.Context ... Sound.Tidal.Transition Sound.Tidal.Utils> :t cpsUtils
cpsUtils :: IO (Double -> IO (), IO Rational)
We let us show the type of the core action cpsUtils
that returns what the pair that is commonly called cps
and getNow
. If this works, stack can load tidal.
Leave the stack repl with CTRL+C
and then CTRL+D
Start the editor from within the tidal-suite source folder:
emacs mod.tidal
Accept the question regarding the execution of .dir-locals.el
which sets up the tidal variables
and tidal-interpreter-arguments
to load stack instead of the default ghci
Start up tidal in emacs, usually with CTRL+C CTRL+S
and to check whether you are loading the correct environment, evaluate
:show paths
, which should list something like:
module import search paths:
depending on where you placed tidal-suite
In this case you are looking at the 0.9-dev versions of Tidal
and tidal-midi, which are not yet released on hackage.
This is a hopefully simple way to test these in combination and isolation.
You can try out the new features of tidal-midi 0.9, as exemplified in mod.tidal
If you are developing on Tidal or tidal-midi or anything related to it, you can use this repository as a foundation to adapt from.
Change the .cabal
file to your needs and versions of dependencies you require (add them to the library's build-depends
key) and change the commit hashes or repository urls within stack.yaml
. Choose different ghc versions, rely on the system ghc if you do not want to build a local one...