Automate your business and have fun with your very own robot companion.
Please visit for original hubot documentation.
###Run the test bot
It is a good idea to test your funny(or not) scripts before you roll out it to the team channels! There is a test bot, and you can run with the following command:
docker build --tag=hubot-test . && docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q) || true && docker run -it --env-file ./build/ENV -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro -p 8080:8080 --name hubot-test hubot
If you don't see any issues, and your console looks like that:
[Tue Aug 08 2017 18:53:40 GMT+0000 (UTC)] INFO Logged in as hubot-test of macpaw
[Tue Aug 08 2017 18:53:40 GMT+0000 (UTC)] INFO Slack client now connected
[Tue Aug 08 2017 18:53:41 GMT+0000 (UTC)] INFO Using default redis on localhost:6379
join the #hubot-test-channel channel and ask hubot to show you some nice cat:
@hubot-test cat me
or test your new scripts
###Run the production bot
The production Hubot is running on the Docker Cloud! Also, in the docker cloud, you can find the environment variables! The public production endpoint for hubot is Сredentials for docker cloud console you can find in 1password Ops Vault. To deploy a new version of the bot it is enough to build and push the image to the docker registry, and it redeploys it automatically.
docker build --tag=hubot:prod .
docker tag hubot:prod macpaw/hubot:prod && docker push macpaw/hubot:prod