- LeeEnglestone.com - Personal blog - I generally post on LinkedIn.com instead
- XamarinArkit.com - Website showing how to create an Augmented Reality app for iOS using C#, Xamarin and ARKit
- VisualStudioTips.co.uk - Tips for Visual Studio
- WindowsTerminalTips.com - Tips for Windows Terminal
- ExpressionDesign4.com - A place to promote and download Expression Design 4
- Start-Coding.com - Some resources to help people start coding
- HackathonTips.com - Hackathon tips
- CodeReviewChecklist.com - A checklist for code reviews
- PushupCounter.com - A site to help people count and share their pushups
- GoodyOrBaddy.com - Shows how a ML.NET machine learning model can be trained, hosted in an Azure Function and called from a website
- IsChristmasTree.com - Shows how an image classification model can be trained, hosted in CustomVision.ai and called from a website
- TaekwondoTips.com - Work in Progress
- Pushup Counter - A simple webpage for tracking and displaying pushups
- BoardsVR - An example virtual reality project using Mixed Reality library StereoKit.net - More details can be found at BoardsVR.com
- Leaflet clustering lat/lon example - Leaflet map clustering with latitude/longiture of major cities
- Goody Or Baddy? - Can an AI Machine Learning Image classification model discern between good and bad chartoon characters
- Is Christmas Tree? - Can an AI Machine Learning Image classification model discern between a Christmas tree and a regular tree
- Space Trash TrackAR - Entry for NASA Space App Challenge 2021 - Displaying space trash in Augmented Reality
- WebP Converter - A C# project showing how to convert images to .webp format