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feat: more API for homotopies of short complexes (#8069)
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Co-authored-by: Joël Riou <[email protected]>
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joelriou and joelriou committed Nov 1, 2023
1 parent 12b7b97 commit d188948
Showing 1 changed file with 185 additions and 3 deletions.
188 changes: 185 additions & 3 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Homology/ShortComplex/Preadditive.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,15 +5,14 @@ Authors: Joël Riou
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.ShortComplex.Homology
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Preadditive.AdditiveFunctor
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Preadditive.Opposite

# Homology of preadditive categories
In this file, it is shown that if `C` is a preadditive category, then
`ShortComplex C` is a preadditive category.
TODO: Introduce the notion of homotopy of morphisms of short complexes.

namespace CategoryTheory
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -353,7 +352,7 @@ end Homology

section Homotopy

variable (φ₁ φ₂ : S₁ ⟶ S₂)
variable (φ₁ φ₂ φ₃ φ₄ : S₁ ⟶ S₂)

/-- A homotopy between two morphisms of short complexes `S₁ ⟶ S₂` consists of various
maps and conditions which will be sufficient to show that they induce the same morphism
Expand All @@ -376,6 +375,189 @@ structure Homotopy where

attribute [reassoc (attr := simp)] Homotopy.h₀_f Homotopy.g_h₃

variable (S₁ S₂)

/-- Constructor for null homotopic morphisms, see also `Homotopy.ofNullHomotopic`
and `Homotopy.eq_add_nullHomotopic`. -/
def nullHomotopic (h₀ : S₁.X₁ ⟶ S₂.X₁) (h₀_f : h₀ ≫ S₂.f = 0)
(h₁ : S₁.X₂ ⟶ S₂.X₁) (h₂ : S₁.X₃ ⟶ S₂.X₂) (h₃ : S₁.X₃ ⟶ S₂.X₃) (g_h₃ : S₁.g ≫ h₃ = 0) :
S₁ ⟶ S₂ where
τ₁ := h₀ + S₁.f ≫ h₁
τ₂ := h₁ ≫ S₂.f + S₁.g ≫ h₂
τ₃ := h₂ ≫ S₂.g + h₃

namespace Homotopy

attribute [local simp] neg_comp

variable {S₁ S₂ φ₁ φ₂ φ₃ φ₄}

/-- The obvious homotopy between two equal morphisms of short complexes. -/
def ofEq (h : φ₁ = φ₂) : Homotopy φ₁ φ₂ where
h₀ := 0
h₁ := 0
h₂ := 0
h₃ := 0

/-- The obvious homotopy between a morphism of short complexes and itself. -/
def refl (φ : S₁ ⟶ S₂) : Homotopy φ φ := ofEq rfl

/-- The symmetry of homotopy between morphisms of short complexes. -/
def symm (h : Homotopy φ₁ φ₂) : Homotopy φ₂ φ₁ where
h₀ := -h.h₀
h₁ := -h.h₁
h₂ := -h.h₂
h₃ := -h.h₃
comm₁ := by rw [h.comm₁, comp_neg]; abel
comm₂ := by rw [h.comm₂, comp_neg, neg_comp]; abel
comm₃ := by rw [h.comm₃, neg_comp]; abel

/-- If two maps of short complexes are homotopic, their opposites also are. -/
def neg (h : Homotopy φ₁ φ₂) : Homotopy (-φ₁) (-φ₂) where
h₀ := -h.h₀
h₁ := -h.h₁
h₂ := -h.h₂
h₃ := -h.h₃
comm₁ := by rw [neg_τ₁, neg_τ₁, h.comm₁, neg_add_rev, comp_neg]; abel
comm₂ := by rw [neg_τ₂, neg_τ₂, h.comm₂, neg_add_rev, comp_neg, neg_comp]; abel
comm₃ := by rw [neg_τ₃, neg_τ₃, h.comm₃, neg_comp]; abel

/-- The transitivity of homotopy between morphisms of short complexes. -/
def trans (h₁₂ : Homotopy φ₁ φ₂) (h₂₃ : Homotopy φ₂ φ₃) : Homotopy φ₁ φ₃ where
h₀ := h₁₂.h₀ + h₂₃.h₀
h₁ := h₁₂.h₁ + h₂₃.h₁
h₂ := h₁₂.h₂ + h₂₃.h₂
h₃ := h₁₂.h₃ + h₂₃.h₃
comm₁ := by rw [h₁₂.comm₁, h₂₃.comm₁, comp_add]; abel
comm₂ := by rw [h₁₂.comm₂, h₂₃.comm₂, comp_add, add_comp]; abel
comm₃ := by rw [h₁₂.comm₃, h₂₃.comm₃, add_comp]; abel

/-- Homotopy between morphisms of short complexes is compatible withe addition. -/
def add (h : Homotopy φ₁ φ₂) (h' : Homotopy φ₃ φ₄) : Homotopy (φ₁ + φ₃) (φ₂ + φ₄) where
h₀ := h.h₀ + h'.h₀
h₁ := h.h₁ + h'.h₁
h₂ := h.h₂ + h'.h₂
h₃ := h.h₃ + h'.h₃
comm₁ := by rw [add_τ₁, add_τ₁, h.comm₁, h'.comm₁, comp_add]; abel
comm₂ := by rw [add_τ₂, add_τ₂, h.comm₂, h'.comm₂, comp_add, add_comp]; abel
comm₃ := by rw [add_τ₃, add_τ₃, h.comm₃, h'.comm₃, add_comp]; abel

/-- Homotopy between morphisms of short complexes is compatible withe substraction. -/
def sub (h : Homotopy φ₁ φ₂) (h' : Homotopy φ₃ φ₄) : Homotopy (φ₁ - φ₃) (φ₂ - φ₄) where
h₀ := h.h₀ - h'.h₀
h₁ := h.h₁ - h'.h₁
h₂ := h.h₂ - h'.h₂
h₃ := h.h₃ - h'.h₃
comm₁ := by rw [sub_τ₁, sub_τ₁, h.comm₁, h'.comm₁, comp_sub]; abel
comm₂ := by rw [sub_τ₂, sub_τ₂, h.comm₂, h'.comm₂, comp_sub, sub_comp]; abel
comm₃ := by rw [sub_τ₃, sub_τ₃, h.comm₃, h'.comm₃, sub_comp]; abel

/-- Homotopy between morphisms of short complexes is compatible with precomposition. -/
def compLeft (h : Homotopy φ₁ φ₂) (ψ : S₃ ⟶ S₁) : Homotopy (ψ ≫ φ₁) (ψ ≫ φ₂) where
h₀ := ψ.τ₁ ≫ h.h₀
h₁ := ψ.τ₂ ≫ h.h₁
h₂ := ψ.τ₃ ≫ h.h₂
h₃ := ψ.τ₃ ≫ h.h₃
g_h₃ := by rw [← ψ.comm₂₃_assoc, h.g_h₃, comp_zero]
comm₁ := by rw [comp_τ₁, comp_τ₁, h.comm₁, comp_add, comp_add, add_left_inj, ψ.comm₁₂_assoc]
comm₂ := by rw [comp_τ₂, comp_τ₂, h.comm₂, comp_add, comp_add, assoc, ψ.comm₂₃_assoc]
comm₃ := by rw [comp_τ₃, comp_τ₃, h.comm₃, comp_add, comp_add, assoc]

/-- Homotopy between morphisms of short complexes is compatible with postcomposition. -/
def compRight (h : Homotopy φ₁ φ₂) (ψ : S₂ ⟶ S₃) : Homotopy (φ₁ ≫ ψ) (φ₂ ≫ ψ) where
h₀ := h.h₀ ≫ ψ.τ₁
h₁ := h.h₁ ≫ ψ.τ₁
h₂ := h.h₂ ≫ ψ.τ₂
h₃ := h.h₃ ≫ ψ.τ₃
comm₁ := by rw [comp_τ₁, comp_τ₁, h.comm₁, add_comp, add_comp, assoc]
comm₂ := by rw [comp_τ₂, comp_τ₂, h.comm₂, add_comp, add_comp, assoc, assoc, assoc, ψ.comm₁₂]
comm₃ := by rw [comp_τ₃, comp_τ₃, h.comm₃, add_comp, add_comp, assoc, assoc, ψ.comm₂₃]

/-- Homotopy between morphisms of short complexes is compatible with composition. -/
def comp (h : Homotopy φ₁ φ₂) {ψ₁ ψ₂ : S₂ ⟶ S₃} (h' : Homotopy ψ₁ ψ₂) :
Homotopy (φ₁ ≫ ψ₁) (φ₂ ≫ ψ₂) :=
(h.compRight ψ₁).trans (h'.compLeft φ₂)

/-- The homotopy between morphisms in `ShortComplex Cᵒᵖ` that is induced by a homotopy
between morphisms in `ShortComplex C`. -/
def op (h : Homotopy φ₁ φ₂) : Homotopy (opMap φ₁) (opMap φ₂) where
h₀ := h.h₃.op
h₁ := h.h₂.op
h₂ := h.h₁.op
h₃ := h.h₀.op
h₀_f := Quiver.Hom.unop_inj h.g_h₃
g_h₃ := Quiver.Hom.unop_inj h.h₀_f
comm₁ := Quiver.Hom.unop_inj (by dsimp; rw [h.comm₃]; abel)
comm₂ := Quiver.Hom.unop_inj (by dsimp; rw [h.comm₂]; abel)
comm₃ := Quiver.Hom.unop_inj (by dsimp; rw [h.comm₁]; abel)

/-- The homotopy between morphisms in `ShortComplex C` that is induced by a homotopy
between morphisms in `ShortComplex Cᵒᵖ`. -/
def unop {S₁ S₂ : ShortComplex Cᵒᵖ} {φ₁ φ₂ : S₁ ⟶ S₂} (h : Homotopy φ₁ φ₂) :
Homotopy (unopMap φ₁) (unopMap φ₂) where
h₀ := h.h₃.unop
h₁ := h.h₂.unop
h₂ := h.h₁.unop
h₃ := h.h₀.unop
h₀_f := Quiver.Hom.op_inj h.g_h₃
g_h₃ := Quiver.Hom.op_inj h.h₀_f
comm₁ := Quiver.Hom.op_inj (by dsimp; rw [h.comm₃]; abel)
comm₂ := Quiver.Hom.op_inj (by dsimp; rw [h.comm₂]; abel)
comm₃ := Quiver.Hom.op_inj (by dsimp; rw [h.comm₁]; abel)

variable (φ₁ φ₂)

/-- Equivalence expressing that two morphisms are homotopic iff
their difference is homotopic to zero. -/
def equivSubZero : Homotopy φ₁ φ₂ ≃ Homotopy (φ₁ - φ₂) 0 where
toFun h := (h.sub (refl φ₂)).trans (ofEq (sub_self φ₂))
invFun h := ((ofEq (sub_add_cancel φ₁ φ₂).symm).trans
(h.add (refl φ₂))).trans (ofEq (zero_add φ₂))
left_inv := by aesop_cat
right_inv := by aesop_cat

variable {φ₁ φ₂}

lemma eq_add_nullHomotopic (h : Homotopy φ₁ φ₂) :
φ₁ = φ₂ + nullHomotopic _ _ h.h₀ h.h₀_f h.h₁ h.h₂ h.h₃ h.g_h₃ := by
· dsimp; rw [h.comm₁]; abel
· dsimp; rw [h.comm₂]; abel
· dsimp; rw [h.comm₃]; abel

variable (S₁ S₂)

/-- A morphism constructed with `nullHomotopic` is homotopic to zero. -/
def ofNullHomotopic (h₀ : S₁.X₁ ⟶ S₂.X₁) (h₀_f : h₀ ≫ S₂.f = 0)
(h₁ : S₁.X₂ ⟶ S₂.X₁) (h₂ : S₁.X₃ ⟶ S₂.X₂) (h₃ : S₁.X₃ ⟶ S₂.X₃) (g_h₃ : S₁.g ≫ h₃ = 0) :
Homotopy (nullHomotopic _ _ h₀ h₀_f h₁ h₂ h₃ g_h₃) 0 where
h₀ := h₀
h₁ := h₁
h₂ := h₂
h₃ := h₃
h₀_f := h₀_f
g_h₃ := g_h₃
comm₁ := by rw [nullHomotopic_τ₁, zero_τ₁, add_zero]; abel
comm₂ := by rw [nullHomotopic_τ₂, zero_τ₂, add_zero]; abel
comm₃ := by rw [nullHomotopic_τ₃, zero_τ₃, add_zero]; abel

end Homotopy

end Homotopy

end ShortComplex
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