This repository is a tech challenge I'm trying to present my knowledge using C#, Asp.Net Core, Entity Framework, Patterns, SOLID, and Other stuff.
My main goal is to show a little about my knowledge with this repository. I'm using here a few principles from many ideas, but most focused on Hexagonal Architecture based on the Clean Architecture book from Robert Martin. Even with not using the CQRS pattern "as is", the idea runs separating the concerns of persistence and querying data. The memory cache of the core will be used for the show as a possibility, but the idea behind it is to show the separation of concerns.
The Challenge comes to me in Portuguese, that's why the section 'Challenge' is still in Portuguese.
The code and documentation will be in English to make it easier for anyone else who wants to check it here.
One of the challenges here is the Domain. As the proposal uses "Brazilian terms", it's hard to bring the models to English, but let's get it a try.
Desenvolver uma API que exponha os dados disponíveis em utilizando uma abordagem orientada a recursos e que atenda os requisitos listados abaixo.
Utilizando os dados do arquivo “DEINFO_AB_FEIRASLIVRES_2014.csv” (pasta data do projeto), implemente:
- cadastro de uma nova feira;
- exclusão de uma feira através de seu código de registro;
- alteração dos campos cadastrados de uma feira, exceto seu código de registro;
- busca de feiras utilizando ao menos um dos parâmetros abaixo: -- distrito -- regiao5 -- nome_feira -- bairro
utilize git ou hg para fazer o controle de versão da solução do teste e hospede-a no Github ou Bitbucket; armazene os dados fornecidos pela Prefeitura de São Paulo em um banco de dados relacional que você julgar apropriado; a solução deve conter um script para importar os dados do arquivo “DEINFO_AB_FEIRASLIVRES_2014.csv” para o banco relacional; a API deve seguir os conceitos REST;
- o Content-Type das respostas da API deve ser “application/json";
- o código da solução deve conter testes e algum mecanismo documentado para gerar a informação de cobertura dos testes;
- a aplicação deve gravar logs estruturados em arquivos texto;
- a solução desta avaliação deve estar documentada em português ou inglês. Escolha um idioma em que você seja fluente;
- a documentação da solução do teste deve incluir como rodar o projeto e exemplos de requisições e suas possíveis respostas;
First, as a challenging step, we need to import data from a CSV file existing. I can use any relational database I want, so I go for MSSQL right now.
The “DEINFO_AB_FEIRASLIVRES_2014.csv” which we need to load can be found on the zip file here: or inside the folder data, on this project root.
After that, I must create a restful API where users can create/update/delete/get the loaded data from the relational database.
So, let's begin.
You will need an MSSQLServer 2019 Instance running on the machine. You can create a Database using your IDE if you prefer. If this is your case, create with the name UChallenge and skip step 1. Consider the last thoughts before running those scripts:
- Creating your database with your IDE, does not need to run the script CreateDatabase_UCheckChallenge_V1.sql.
- The connection strings by its default use a trusted connection. If you want to use a login and password for connection, configure your database correctly and change the connection string on the application (explained later).
- CreateTable_FeiraLivre_V1 is a DDL script to create the table used for data load. If a table with the name FeiraLivre already exists, the script will not try to recreate it. Be sure there isn't a table with its name on your database or a table with a schema that fits the same script that exists.
- The LoadTable_FeiraLivre_V1 must need you to edit the script before running it. This script has a reference to the DATA file to load on row 24. Change the path for the current DEINFO_AB_FEIRASLIVRES_2014.CSV file before running it. Change the path to best fit your environment.
- If you are planning to use another version of MSSQL Server, the script can present errors.
Attention: The original DEINFO_AB_FEIRASLIVRES_2014.csv comes with an unnormalized data problem. If you prefer to download the original file, insert a comma (,) on the last row with data, at the end of the row if it does not exist.
After reading the considerations, run the scripts you need in that order.
- \scripts\DDLs\CreateDatabase_UCheckChallenge_V1.sql
- \scripts\DDLs\CreateTable_FeiraLivre_V1.sql
- \scripts\DMLs\LoadTable_FeiraLivre_V1.sql
We are using the .Net Core 6.0 and you need it installed to the application runs on your machine. You can get it here:
Take the SDK version if you wanna develop or the ASP.NET Core Runtime if you are just setting up a server.
The solution was developed using Visual Studio 2022, but work's with Visual Studio 2019 too. You could use VSCode if you prefer, but there is probably a chance of a few changes to make it run properly. You can find the solution file inside the folder \src as 'uchallenge.sln'. Opening the solution with a Visual Studio IDE, you can Build and Run the application pretty easily, but here, I'll show you the commands needed to do it from a terminal.
Before we talk about the commands to run the application, let's make sure your Database is properly configured based on the app settings of the application. If you are using a Database with Windows Authentication, the setup is ready for you, but, if you want to connect to the database using a database user or another one, make sure you change the connection string properly. You can find the connection string in the folder /src/UChallenge.WebAPI/appSettings.json as the Node ConnectionString, with the attribute UChallenge. Keep the name and change the content for attendees' needs:
"ConnectionStrings": {
"UChallenge": "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=UChallenge;Integrated Security=true;Encrypt=False;"
Change the Data Source and Integrated Security based on your database setup.
After confirming your setup, let's make it work. Open your terminal. It could be a Developer Command Prompt from Visual Studio, a PowerShell, or a Windows Terminal. Navigate to the folder where you cloned the solution and go inside the folder \src. Now, type the following commands.
dotnet restore .\uchallenge.sln
dotnet build .\uchallenge.sln
dotnet run --project .\UChallenge.WebAPI\
Your terminal will show info about the application start and status. If there is an error with Microsoft Database/Entity Framework, check if your connection string is right.
After that, you can open any of those links on your browser to access the swagger documentation and try a few requests to the server: https://localhost:5001/swagger/index.html http://localhost:5000/swagger/index.html
All the information needed about requests, parameters, and everything else is well-formed on the swagger page. Please, check it if you have any questions: https://localhost:5001/swagger/index.html
The API has 4 methods on V1. Each method for one action:
Create FeiraLivre: POST on /api/v1/FeiraLivre with Request Data Object. Example: https://localhost:5001//api/v1/FeiraLivre/. Body: The body must have the definitions for RequestDTO to create FeiraLivre. It should be a JSON like this one
"id": 0,
"nome": "string",
"registro": "string",
"longitude": 0,
"latitude": 0,
"setorCensitario": 0,
"areaPonderacao": 0,
"codigoDistrito": 0,
"nomeDistrito": "string",
"codigoSubPrefeitura": 0,
"nomeSubPrefeitura": "string",
"regiaoDivisaoEm5Areas": "string",
"regiaoDivisaoEm8Areas": "string",
"logradouro": "string",
"numero": "string",
"bairro": "string",
"referencia": "string"
Update FeiraLivre: PUT on /api/v1/FeiraLivre/{id} where {id} should be the Id for the FeiraLivre which must be updated. Example: https://localhost:5001//api/v1/FeiraLivre/{1} to update the FeiraLivre record where the Id is 1. Body: The body must have the definitions for RequestDTO of update FeiraLivre. It should be a JSON like this one
"nome": "string",
"registro": "string",
"longitude": 0,
"latitude": 0,
"setorCensitario": 0,
"areaPonderacao": 0,
"codigoDistrito": 0,
"nomeDistrito": "string",
"codigoSubPrefeitura": 0,
"nomeSubPrefeitura": "string",
"regiaoDivisaoEm5Areas": "string",
"regiaoDivisaoEm8Areas": "string",
"logradouro": "string",
"numero": "string",
"bairro": "string",
"referencia": "string"
There is no Id field on the updated body.
Delete FeiraLivre DELETE on /api/v1/FeiraLivre/{id} where {id} should be the Id for the FeiraLivre which must be delete. Example: https://localhost:5001//api/v1/FeiraLivre/{1} to delete the FeiraLivre record where the Id is 1. DELETE has no body.
Get FeiraLivre GET on /api/v1/FeiraLivre. You could use the parameters district, region5, name, and neighborhood as QueryString. Example: https://localhost:5001//api/v1/FeiraLivre?district=leste to get all FeiraLivre records based on the district with value leste. You can use all the parameters above, separating them with &. GET has nobody.
Important: longitude and latitude are float values. Consider sending values with a decimal separator (.) like 43.904911 or -41.482002 to work as well.
The solution could look overengineering for the requirements but, I want to put a few different knowledge just to show possible implementations it could have. Off course, other principles, patterns, and strategies could be applied, but I will focus on what I think is more important. One example could be the mappers. The model was a pain because I want to keep Portuguese, but at the same time, I want to see this repository more open to other opportunities if this one doesn't work. A few decisions like using Exceptions in input data is probably not the better one, but I'll think later about a better approach. Probably having a TryParse solution for the value object, should resolve both problems. Another thing is about creating Value Objects (structs) for every single attribute of a model. I believe it can give better control over models. Right now, I'm using it only for Latitude and Longitude, but maybe I evolve it. The Application tests are using a MockDB with lists just to make sure the use case is working well. Thinking about docker is probably the best next approach. Even in development, the Docker Compose could make the setup much faster and more stable. I can make it in the future, for sure. A filter was added to insert the Produces filter to every single call, applying the application/JSON content type. I don't like it too much, but one of the requirements was ambiguous to me. I'll prefer to work with Portuguese for this solution or have more data about the domain in English for its project. Something we don't have for challenges. Feel free to ask me new ideas or questions about why I used something specifically on its repository.
- OData for updates and queries could be interesting. I'll try to implement it before the deadline.
- .NetCore MemoryCache must be overengineering but I'll try to implement it too.