| exampleTest___counterStateIsTheSameAfterGoingToHomeAndSwitchingApps
- Start Test at 2023-11-03 12:14:06.340
- Some screenshots were deleted because testing is configured to remove automatic screenshots on success.
- Set Up
- Open pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Launch pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Terminate pl.leancode.patrol.Example:8024
- Setting up automation session
- Wait for pl.leancode.patrol.Example to idle
- Pressing Home button
- Open pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Activate pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Wait for pl.leancode.patrol.Example to idle
- Tear Down
| internal_groupTest___atTheBeginning
- Start Test at 2023-11-03 12:14:21.191
- Some screenshots were deleted because testing is configured to remove automatic screenshots on success.
- Set Up
- Open pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Launch pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Terminate pl.leancode.patrol.Example:8028
- Setting up automation session
- Wait for pl.leancode.patrol.Example to idle
- Pressing Home button
- Open pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Activate pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Wait for pl.leancode.patrol.Example to idle
- Tear Down
| internal_groupTest___topLevelGroupInFileAlphaFirst
- Start Test at 2023-11-03 12:14:33.206
- Some screenshots were deleted because testing is configured to remove automatic screenshots on success.
- Set Up
- Open pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Launch pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Terminate pl.leancode.patrol.Example:8040
- Setting up automation session
- Wait for pl.leancode.patrol.Example to idle
- Pressing Home button
- Open pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Activate pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Wait for pl.leancode.patrol.Example to idle
- Tear Down
| internal_groupTest___topLevelGroupInFileAlphaSecond
- Start Test at 2023-11-03 12:14:45.143
- Some screenshots were deleted because testing is configured to remove automatic screenshots on success.
- Set Up
- Open pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Launch pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Terminate pl.leancode.patrol.Example:8106
- Setting up automation session
- Wait for pl.leancode.patrol.Example to idle
- Pressing Home button
- Open pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Activate pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Wait for pl.leancode.patrol.Example to idle
- Tear Down
| internal_groupTest___topLevelGroupInFileInTheMiddle
- Start Test at 2023-11-03 12:14:56.248
- Some screenshots were deleted because testing is configured to remove automatic screenshots on success.
- Set Up
- Open pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Launch pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Terminate pl.leancode.patrol.Example:8252
- Setting up automation session
- Wait for pl.leancode.patrol.Example to idle
- Pressing Home button
- Open pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Activate pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Wait for pl.leancode.patrol.Example to idle
- Tear Down
| internal_groupTest___topLevelGroupInFileBravoFirst
- Start Test at 2023-11-03 12:15:07.070
- Some screenshots were deleted because testing is configured to remove automatic screenshots on success.
- Set Up
- Open pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Launch pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Terminate pl.leancode.patrol.Example:8257
- Setting up automation session
- Wait for pl.leancode.patrol.Example to idle
- Pressing Home button
- Open pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Activate pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Wait for pl.leancode.patrol.Example to idle
- Tear Down
| internal_groupTest___topLevelGroupInFileBravoSecond
- Start Test at 2023-11-03 12:15:18.569
- Some screenshots were deleted because testing is configured to remove automatic screenshots on success.
- Set Up
- Open pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Launch pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Terminate pl.leancode.patrol.Example:8323
- Setting up automation session
- Wait for pl.leancode.patrol.Example to idle
- Pressing Home button
- Open pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Activate pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Wait for pl.leancode.patrol.Example to idle
- Tear Down
| internal_longNameTest___aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
- Start Test at 2023-11-03 12:15:29.763
- Some screenshots were deleted because testing is configured to remove automatic screenshots on success.
- Set Up
- Open pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Launch pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Terminate pl.leancode.patrol.Example:8344
- Setting up automation session
- Wait for pl.leancode.patrol.Example to idle
- Pressing Home button
- Open pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Activate pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Wait for pl.leancode.patrol.Example to idle
- Tear Down
| internal_longNameTest___alphaalphaalphaalphaalphaalphaalphaalphaalphaalphaalphaalphaalphaalphaalphaalphaalphaalphaalphaalphaalphaalphaalphaalphaalphaalphaalphaalphaalphaalphaalphaalphaalphaa
- Start Test at 2023-11-03 12:15:43.144
- Some screenshots were deleted because testing is configured to remove automatic screenshots on success.
- Set Up
- Open pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Launch pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Terminate pl.leancode.patrol.Example:8358
- Setting up automation session
- Wait for pl.leancode.patrol.Example to idle
- Tear Down
| internal_longNameTest___kocykkocykkocykkocykkocykkocykkocykkocykkocykkocykkocykkocykkocykkocykkocykkocykkocykkocykkocykkocykkocykkocykkocykkocykkocykkocykkocykkocykkocykkocykkocykkocykkocykk
- Start Test at 2023-11-03 12:15:50.641
- Some screenshots were deleted because testing is configured to remove automatic screenshots on success.
- Set Up
- Open pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Launch pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Terminate pl.leancode.patrol.Example:8428
- Setting up automation session
- Wait for pl.leancode.patrol.Example to idle
- Tear Down
| openAppTest___openMaps
| openAppTest___openBrowser
| openQuickSettingsTest___opensQuickSettings
- Start Test at 2023-11-03 12:16:11.702
- Some screenshots were deleted because testing is configured to remove automatic screenshots on success.
- Set Up
- Open pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Launch pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Terminate pl.leancode.patrol.Example:8577
- Setting up automation session
- Wait for pl.leancode.patrol.Example to idle
- Press Application 'com.apple.springboard'[0.90, 0.01] for 0.1 seconds, then drag to Application 'com.apple.springboard'[0.90, 0.20] with velocity of 500.00 pixels per second, and then hold for 0.0 seconds
- Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
- Find the Application 'com.apple.springboard'
- Check for interrupting elements affecting " " Application
- Wait for pl.leancode.patrol.Example to idle
- Synthesize event
- Find the Application 'com.apple.springboard'
- Find the Application 'com.apple.springboard'
- Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
- Pressing Home button
- Tear Down
| permissions_notificationsTest___tapsOnNotification
- Start Test at 2023-11-03 12:16:19.788
- Some screenshots were deleted because testing is configured to remove automatic screenshots on success.
- Set Up
- Open pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Launch pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Terminate pl.leancode.patrol.Example:8580
- Setting up automation session
- Wait for pl.leancode.patrol.Example to idle
- Checking existence of
"OK" Button
- Checking existence of
"Allow" Button
- Checking existence of
"OK" Button
- Checking existence of
"Allow" Button
- Tap "Allow" Button
- Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
- Find the "Allow" Button
- Check for interrupting elements affecting "Allow" Button
- Synthesize event
- Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
- Pressing Home button
- Press Application 'com.apple.springboard'[0.50, 0.01] for 0.1 seconds, then drag to Application 'com.apple.springboard'[0.50, 0.60] with velocity of 500.00 pixels per second, and then hold for 0.0 seconds
- Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
- Find the Application 'com.apple.springboard'
- Check for interrupting elements affecting " " Application
- Synthesize event
- Find the Application 'com.apple.springboard'
- Find the Application 'com.apple.springboard'
- Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
- Get all elements bound by index for: Elements matching predicate '"NotificationCell" IN identifiers'
- Find the "NotificationCell" Button
- Tap "NotificationCell" Button
- Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
- Find the "NotificationCell" Button
- Check for interrupting elements affecting "NotificationCell" Button
- Synthesize event
- Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
- Tear Down
| permissions_permissionsLocationTest___acceptsLocationPermission
- Start Test at 2023-11-03 12:16:40.538
- Some screenshots were deleted because testing is configured to remove automatic screenshots on success.
- Set Up
- Open pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Launch pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Terminate pl.leancode.patrol.Example:8583
- Setting up automation session
- Wait for pl.leancode.patrol.Example to idle
- Checking existence of
"OK" Button
- Checking existence of
"Allow" Button
- Checking existence of
"Allow once" Button
- Checking existence of
"Allow While Using App" Button
- Checking existence of
"Don’t Allow" Button
- Checking existence of
"OK" Button
- Checking existence of
"Allow" Button
- Checking existence of
"Allow once" Button
- Checking existence of
"Allow While Using App" Button
- Checking existence of
"Don’t Allow" Button
- Checking existence of
"OK" Button
- Checking existence of
"Allow" Button
- Checking existence of
"Allow once" Button
- Checking existence of
"Allow While Using App" Button
- Waiting 20.0s for "Precise: On" Button to exist
- Checking
Expect predicate exists == 1 for object "Precise: On" Button
- Checking existence of
"Precise: On" Button
- Tap "Precise: On" Button
- Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
- Find the "Precise: On" Button
- Check for interrupting elements affecting "Precise: On" Button
- Synthesize event
- Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
- Waiting 20.0s for "Precise: Off" Button to exist
- Checking
Expect predicate exists == 1 for object "Precise: Off" Button
- Checking existence of
"Precise: Off" Button
- Tap "Precise: Off" Button
- Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
- Find the "Precise: Off" Button
- Check for interrupting elements affecting "Precise: Off" Button
- Synthesize event
- Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
- Waiting 20.0s for "Precise: On" Button to exist
- Checking
Expect predicate exists == 1 for object "Precise: On" Button
- Checking existence of
"Precise: On" Button
- Tap "Precise: On" Button
- Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
- Find the "Precise: On" Button
- Check for interrupting elements affecting "Precise: On" Button
- Synthesize event
- Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
- Waiting 20.0s for "Precise: Off" Button to exist
- Checking
Expect predicate exists == 1 for object "Precise: Off" Button
- Checking existence of
"Precise: Off" Button
- Tap "Precise: Off" Button
- Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
- Find the "Precise: Off" Button
- Check for interrupting elements affecting "Precise: Off" Button
- Synthesize event
- Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
- Checking existence of
"OK" Button
- Checking existence of
"Allow" Button
- Checking existence of
"Allow Once" Button
- Tap "Allow Once" Button
- Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
- Find the "Allow Once" Button
- Check for interrupting elements affecting "Allow Once" Button
- Synthesize event
- Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
- Tear Down
| permissions_permissionsManyTest___grantsVariousPermissions
- Start Test at 2023-11-03 12:17:04.504
- Some screenshots were deleted because testing is configured to remove automatic screenshots on success.
- Set Up
- Open pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Launch pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Terminate pl.leancode.patrol.Example:8593
- Setting up automation session
- Wait for pl.leancode.patrol.Example to idle
- Checking existence of
"OK" Button
- Checking existence of
"Allow" Button
- Checking existence of
"Allow once" Button
- Checking existence of
"Allow While Using App" Button
- Checking existence of
"Don’t Allow" Button
- Checking existence of
"OK" Button
- Checking existence of
"OK" Button
- Tap "OK" Button
- Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
- Find the "OK" Button
- Check for interrupting elements affecting "OK" Button
- Synthesize event
- Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
- Checking existence of
"OK" Button
- Checking existence of
"OK" Button
- Tap "OK" Button
- Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
- Find the "OK" Button
- Check for interrupting elements affecting "OK" Button
- Synthesize event
- Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
- Checking existence of
"OK" Button
- Waiting 20.0s for "Don’t Allow" Button to exist
- Checking
Expect predicate exists == 1 for object "Don’t Allow" Button
- Checking existence of
"Don’t Allow" Button
- Tap "Don’t Allow" Button
- Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
- Find the "Don’t Allow" Button
- Check for interrupting elements affecting "Don’t Allow" Button
- Synthesize event
- Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
- Tear Down
| serviceDarkModeTest___disablesAndEnablesDarkModeTwice
- Start Test at 2023-11-03 12:17:20.813
- Some screenshots were deleted because testing is configured to remove automatic screenshots on success.
- Set Up
- Open pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Launch pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Terminate pl.leancode.patrol.Example:8782
- Setting up automation session
- Wait for pl.leancode.patrol.Example to idle
- Open com.apple.springboard
- Activate com.apple.springboard
- Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
- Open com.apple.Preferences
- Launch com.apple.Preferences
- Setting up automation session
- Wait for com.apple.Preferences to idle
- Tap "Developer" Any
- Wait for com.apple.Preferences to idle
- Find the "Developer" Any
- Check for interrupting elements affecting "Developer" Cell
- Synthesize event
- Wait for com.apple.Preferences to idle
- Find the "Dark Appearance" Any
- Open com.apple.springboard
- Activate com.apple.springboard
- Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
- Terminate com.apple.Preferences:8794
- Open pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Activate pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Wait for pl.leancode.patrol.Example to idle
- Open com.apple.springboard
- Activate com.apple.springboard
- Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
- Open com.apple.Preferences
- Launch com.apple.Preferences
- Setting up automation session
- Wait for com.apple.Preferences to idle
- Tap "Developer" Any
- Wait for com.apple.Preferences to idle
- Find the "Developer" Any
- Check for interrupting elements affecting "Developer" Cell
- Synthesize event
- Wait for com.apple.Preferences to idle
- Find the "Dark Appearance" Any
- Tap "Dark Appearance" Any
- Wait for com.apple.Preferences to idle
- Find the "Dark Appearance" Any
- Check for interrupting elements affecting "Dark Appearance" Cell
- Synthesize event
- Wait for com.apple.Preferences to idle
- Open com.apple.springboard
- Activate com.apple.springboard
- Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
- Terminate com.apple.Preferences:8799
- Open pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Activate pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Wait for pl.leancode.patrol.Example to idle
- Open com.apple.springboard
- Activate com.apple.springboard
- Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
- Open com.apple.Preferences
- Launch com.apple.Preferences
- Setting up automation session
- Wait for com.apple.Preferences to idle
- Tap "Developer" Any
- Wait for com.apple.Preferences to idle
- Find the "Developer" Any
- Check for interrupting elements affecting "Developer" Cell
- Synthesize event
- Wait for com.apple.Preferences to idle
- Find the "Dark Appearance" Any
- Tap "Dark Appearance" Any
- Wait for com.apple.Preferences to idle
- Find the "Dark Appearance" Any
- Check for interrupting elements affecting "Dark Appearance" Cell
- Synthesize event
- Wait for com.apple.Preferences to idle
- Open com.apple.springboard
- Activate com.apple.springboard
- Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
- Terminate com.apple.Preferences:8806
- Open pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Activate pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Wait for pl.leancode.patrol.Example to idle
- Open com.apple.springboard
- Activate com.apple.springboard
- Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
- Open com.apple.Preferences
- Launch com.apple.Preferences
- Setting up automation session
- Wait for com.apple.Preferences to idle
- Tap "Developer" Any
- Wait for com.apple.Preferences to idle
- Find the "Developer" Any
- Check for interrupting elements affecting "Developer" Cell
- Synthesize event
- Wait for com.apple.Preferences to idle
- Find the "Dark Appearance" Any
- Tap "Dark Appearance" Any
- Wait for com.apple.Preferences to idle
- Find the "Dark Appearance" Any
- Check for interrupting elements affecting "Dark Appearance" Cell
- Synthesize event
- Wait for com.apple.Preferences to idle
- Open com.apple.springboard
- Activate com.apple.springboard
- Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
- Terminate com.apple.Preferences:8811
- Open pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Activate pl.leancode.patrol.Example
- Wait for pl.leancode.patrol.Example to idle
- Tear Down