CLI tool for moving data in-n-out of Cloud Firestore.
- Import a CSV, Excel, or JSON file to Firestore
- Export Firestore data to JSON
Watch the screencast
- Clone and run
npm install
- Download the service account from your Firebase project settings, then save it as
in the project root. npm run build
and you're off and running.
Push your local data to the Firestore database.
import|i [options] <file> <collection>
-i, --id [field] Field to use for document ID
-m, --merge Merge Firestore documents. Default is replace.
-k, --chunk [size] Split upload into batches. Max 500 by Firestore constraints. (default: 500)
-p, --coll-prefix [prefix] (Sub-)Collection prefix (default: collection)
-c, --col-oriented XLSX column orientation. Default is row orientation
-o, --omit-empty-fields XLSX omit empty fields
-s, --sheet [#] XLSX Sheet # to import (default: 1)
-d, --dry-run Perform a dry run, without committing data. Implies --verbose.
-v, --verbose Output document insert paths
-h, --help output usage information
fire-migrate import --dry-run test.json myCollection
fire-migrate import --merge test.csv myCollection
fire-migrate i -m --id docid --sheet 3 test.xlsx myCollection
Pull data from Firestore to a JSON file.
export|e [options] <file> [collections...]
-s, --subcolls Include sub-collections.
-p, --coll-prefix [prefix] Collection prefix (default: collection)
-v, --verbose Output traversed document paths
-h, --help output usage information
fire-migrate export --verbose --subcolls myCollection.json myCollection
fire-migrate export users-posts.json users posts
fire-migrate e -sv firestore-dump.json