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Add PWFU to load_resource
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lbonaldo committed Dec 18, 2023
1 parent a76c3d2 commit 4e6d229
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Showing 5 changed files with 212 additions and 132 deletions.
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions src/load_inputs/load_dataframe.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -188,3 +188,23 @@ function extract_matrix_from_dataframe(df::DataFrame, columnprefix::AbstractStri
Matrix(dropmissing(df[:, sorted_columns]))

function sort_dataframe_by_resource_names!(df::DataFrame, gen::Vector{<:AbstractResource})
# get all resource names
resource_names = resource_name.(gen)
# get resources in dataframe
resource_in_df = resource_ids(df)
# sort by resource name
indices = sortperm(findfirst.(isequal.(resource_in_df), Ref(resource_names)))
permute!(df, indices)
return resource_ids(df)

function resource_ids(df::DataFrame)
if hasproperty(df, :Resource)
return df.Resource
elseif hasproperty(df, :resource)
return df.resource
error("Dataframe must have a column named 'Resource' or 'resource' with resource names.")
79 changes: 49 additions & 30 deletions src/load_inputs/load_generators_data.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -248,39 +248,40 @@ end
Function for checking that no other technology flags have been activated and specific data inputs
have been zeroed for the co-located VRE-STOR module
function check_vre_stor_validity(df::DataFrame, setup::Dict)
function check_vre_stor_validity(setup::Dict, gen::Vector{AbstractResource})
# Determine if any VRE-STOR resources exist
vre_stor = is_nonzero(df, :VRE_STOR)
r_id = df[:, :R_ID]
vre_stor_exist = !isempty(GenX.vre_stor(gen))
r_id = resource_id(gen)

error_strings = String[]

function error_feedback(data::Vector{Int}, col::Symbol)::String
string("Generators ", data, ", marked as VRE-STOR, have ", col, " ≠ 0. ", col, " must be 0.")

function check_any_nonzero_with_vre_stor!(error_strings::Vector{String}, df::DataFrame, col::Symbol)
check = vre_stor .& is_nonzero(df, col)
function check_any_nonzero_with_vre_stor!(error_strings::Vector{String}, gen::Vector{AbstractResource}, col::Symbol)
check = vre_stor_exist .& is_nonzero(gen, col)
if any(check)
e = error_feedback(r_id[check], col)
push!(error_strings, e)

# TODO: check it when VRE_STOR is ready
# Confirm that any other flags/inputs are not activated (all other flags should be activated in the vre_stor_data.csv)
check_any_nonzero_with_vre_stor!(error_strings, df, :Var_OM_Cost_per_MWh_In)
if setup["EnergyShareRequirement"]==1
nESR = count(occursin.("ESR_", names(df)))
for i in 1:nESR
check_any_nonzero_with_vre_stor!(error_strings, df, Symbol(string("ESR_",i)))
if setup["CapacityReserveMargin"]==1
nCapRes = count(occursin.("CapRes_", names(df)))
for i in 1:nCapRes
check_any_nonzero_with_vre_stor!(error_strings, df, Symbol(string("CapRes_",i)))
# check_any_nonzero_with_vre_stor!(error_strings, res, :var_om_cost_per_mwh_in)
# if setup["EnergyShareRequirement"]==1
# nESR = count(occursin.("ESR_", names(df)))
# for i in 1:nESR
# check_any_nonzero_with_vre_stor!(error_strings, df, Symbol(string("ESR_",i)))
# end
# end
# if setup["CapacityReserveMargin"]==1
# nCapRes = count(occursin.("CapRes_", names(df)))
# for i in 1:nCapRes
# check_any_nonzero_with_vre_stor!(error_strings, df, Symbol(string("CapRes_",i)))
# end
# end

return error_strings
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -371,8 +372,8 @@ Function for reading input parameters related to co-located VRE-storage resource
function load_vre_stor_data!(inputs_gen::Dict, setup::Dict, path::AbstractString)

error_strings = String[]
dfGen = inputs_gen["dfGen"]
inputs_gen["VRE_STOR"] = "VRE_STOR" in names(dfGen) ? dfGen[dfGen.VRE_STOR.==1,:R_ID] : Int[]
res = inputs_gen["RESOURCES"]
inputs_gen["VRE_STOR"] = vre_stor(res)

# Check if VRE-STOR resources exist
if !isempty(inputs_gen["VRE_STOR"])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -518,22 +519,39 @@ function load_vre_stor_data!(inputs_gen::Dict, setup::Dict, path::AbstractString

function process_piecewisefuelusage!(inputs::Dict, scale_factor)
gen_in = inputs["dfGen"]
function process_piecewisefuelusage!(inputs::Dict, path::AbstractString, gen::Vector{<:AbstractResource}, scale_factor)
filename = "piecewisefuel_usage_data.csv"
filepath = joinpath(path, filename)

if isfile(filepath)
piecewisefuel_in = load_dataframe(filepath)

# get the resource names from the dataframe
resource_with_pwfu = resource_ids(piecewisefuel_in)
# get all the resource names
resource_without_pwfu = setdiff(resource_name.(gen), resource_with_pwfu)
# fill dataframe with zeros for resources without piecewise fuel usage
for resource in resource_without_pwfu
new_row = (resource, zeros(ncol(piecewisefuel_in)-1)...) # first column is resource name
push!(piecewisefuel_in, new_row)

if any(occursin.(Ref("PWFU_"), names(gen_in)))
heat_rate_mat = extract_matrix_from_dataframe(gen_in, "PWFU_Heat_Rate_MMBTU_per_MWh")
load_point_mat = extract_matrix_from_dataframe(gen_in, "PWFU_Load_Point_MW")
# sort dataframe by resource names and return the sorted names
resource_in_df = sort_dataframe_by_resource_names!(piecewisefuel_in, gen)

heat_rate_mat = extract_matrix_from_dataframe(piecewisefuel_in, "PWFU_Heat_Rate_MMBTU_per_MWh")
load_point_mat = extract_matrix_from_dataframe(piecewisefuel_in, "PWFU_Load_Point_MW")

# check data input
validate_piecewisefuelusage(heat_rate_mat, load_point_mat)

# determine if a generator contains piecewise fuel usage segment based on non-zero heatrate
gen_in.HAS_PWFU = any(heat_rate_mat .!= 0 , dims = 2)[:]
nonzero_rows = any(heat_rate_mat .!= 0 , dims = 2)[:]
HAS_PWFU = resource_id.(resources_by_names(gen, resource_in_df))[nonzero_rows]
num_segments = size(heat_rate_mat)[2]

# translate the inital fuel usage, heat rate, and load points into intercept for each segment
fuel_usage_zero_load = gen_in[!,"PWFU_Fuel_Usage_Zero_Load_MMBTU_per_h"]
fuel_usage_zero_load = piecewisefuel_in[!,"PWFU_Fuel_Usage_Zero_Load_MMBTU_per_h"]
# construct a matrix for intercept
intercept_mat = zeros(size(heat_rate_mat))
# PWFU_Fuel_Usage_MMBTU_per_h is always the intercept of the first segment
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -575,7 +593,7 @@ function process_piecewisefuelusage!(inputs::Dict, scale_factor)
# create a PWFU_data that contain processed intercept and slope (i.e., heat rate)
intercept_cols = [Symbol("PWFU_Intercept_", i) for i in 1:num_segments]
intercept_df = DataFrame(intercept_mat, Symbol.(intercept_cols))
slope_cols = Symbol.(filter(colname -> startswith(string(colname),"PWFU_Heat_Rate_MMBTU_per_MWh"),names(gen_in)))
slope_cols = Symbol.(filter(colname -> startswith(string(colname),"PWFU_Heat_Rate_MMBTU_per_MWh"),names(piecewisefuel_in)))
slope_df = DataFrame(heat_rate_mat, Symbol.(slope_cols))
PWFU_data = hcat(slope_df, intercept_df)
# no need to scale sclope, but intercept should be scaled when parameterscale is on (MMBTU -> billion BTU)
Expand All @@ -584,9 +602,10 @@ function process_piecewisefuelusage!(inputs::Dict, scale_factor)
inputs["slope_cols"] = slope_cols
inputs["intercept_cols"] = intercept_cols
inputs["PWFU_data"] = PWFU_data
inputs["PWFU_Num_Segments"] =num_segments
inputs["THERM_COMMIT_PWFU"] = intersect(gen_in[gen_in.THERM.==1,:R_ID], gen_in[gen_in.HAS_PWFU,:R_ID])
inputs["PWFU_Num_Segments"] = num_segments
inputs["THERM_COMMIT_PWFU"] = intersect(thermal(gen), resource_id.(gen[HAS_PWFU]))
return nothing

function validate_piecewisefuelusage(heat_rate_mat, load_point_mat)
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