A Clojure micro-library designed to make it easier to implement Mozilla Persona for user authentication:
Hiccup helper to include CSS/JS for Mozilla Persona branded sign-in buttons. -
Hiccup helper for sign-in buttons with dark and orange variants. -
Ring middleware to handle routes for persona resources. -
Identity verification function which HTTP posts to verifier.login.persona.org for identity verification and returns the JSON response as a map. -
can then be used to return whether or not the verification response succeeded.
Note to get a full implementation you still have to:
Expose a route so clients can call verify-assertion. (Be sure to protect yourself from CSRF, persona-kit.friend includes weavejester/ring-anti-forgery).
Use the results of identity verification to set some session state.
A credential function, workflow, and middleware are defined in persona-kit.friend to integrate cleanly with cemerick/friend to accomplish the above.
- Implement browser side logic to handle login/logout button events, onlogin, onlogout, and supply loggedInUser to navigator.watch().
If you use persona-kit.friend and ClojureScript, there are useful functions defined in src/cljs/persona_kit/core.cljs to bind Persona related functionality to your UI elements.
;; Add persona-kit to your project.clj dependencies.
[persona-kit "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]
(ns my.app
(:require [compojure.core :as c]
[compojure.handler :as h]
[hiccup.page :as p]
[persona-kit.core :as i]))
;; On your login page, use include-persona to bring in persona resources,
;; sign-in-button to show the login button.
(c/defroutes app-routes
(c/GET "/" [] (p/html5 [:head
[:title "Login page"]
[:body (i/sign-in-button)])))
;; Add wrap-persona-resources as middleware to handle CSS resource request.
(def app (-> (h/site app-routes)
;; To aid in identify verification, use verify-assertion and valid? as
;; appropriate for your particular workflow.
;; Server side cemerick/friend example
(require '[persona.friend :as pf])
(require '[cemerick.friend :as f])
(def app (-> (h/site app-routes)
(f/authenticate {:credential-fn pf/credential-fn
:workflows [(partial pf/persona-workflow "http://YOUR_AUDIENCE")]})))
Copyright © 2013 Osbert Feng
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.