A proposal for a stand-off element for the TEI Guidelines.
Add a new stand-off element to model.resourceLike
which can record information/annotations about the present document or about external documents.
: The current proposal as ODD file.Schemas/standoff-proposal.rnc
: The derived RelaxNG schema for testing with your TEI filesSamples/Test-stdf.xml
: A very basic example which should give you an idea of the proposed new elementsSamples/SampleMAFstdf.xml
: A test file with morphosyntactic annotationsSamples/TEISpeech-stdf/HelgeSchneider_ISO_TEI_TCF_WebLichtResult_MERGED_2.tei
: An elaborate 'real world' example taken and transformed from the EXMARaLDA-DemokorpusSamples/WeGA-A040296.xml
: Not truly standoff, but a possible use case for externalizing all sorts of lists that are currently to be found within sourceDesc or profileDesc
This work is available under dual license: BSD 2-Clause and Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0)