A micro library to help create action constructors and action types for redux. Written in, and designed for TypeScript.
Don't repeat yourself:
- You define each action constructor together with its action type string.
- TypeScript will then infer the action type union for you.
const actions = {
addTodo: createAction('addTodo', (text: string) => ({ text })),
deleteTodo: createAction('deleteTodo', (id: string) => ({ id })),
clearCompleted: createAction('clearCompleted'),
type Action = ActionTypeFromActionCreators<typeof actions>;
/* The Action type will be correctly inferred as:
type Action =
{ type: 'addTodo', payload: { text: string } } |
{ type: 'deleteTodo', payload: { id: string } } |
{ type: 'clearCompleted' };
private onAddTodoClicked = () => {
private onClearClicked = () => {