Kingly is a UCI compliant chess engine written in Rust.
Install Rust through rustup and run with cargo:
cargo run --release
Note: For now, the version of rust required is not stabilised, so it might be necessary to switch to the beta branch with
rustup toolchain install beta
For a graphical experience, add Kingly to your favorite UCI compliant GUI, e.g. Arena.
Board representation: Bitboards
Move Generation
- PEXT sliding piece attacks
- Option to only generate captures
Search: Fail-Soft NegaMax-based AlphaBeta
Search Enhancements
- Iterative deepening
- Quiescence search
- Transposition table
- Aspiration windows
- Lazy SMP parallelization
- Null move pruning
- Check extensions
- Move reordering based on PV and MVV-LVA
Evaluation: Naive piece count + mobility
- Graphical search debugging tool
These tasks will need to be completed before version 0.1.0 is ready.
- Extensive documentation
- More tests
- Proper benchmarking
- Better eval
- Endgame improvements
- Time management AI
- Magic bitboards fallback