React Native Boilerplate is a starting point for React Native application. This project is configured with redux, redux saga and redux persist. Uses latest version of react-navigation (v5.9)
This Type based Architecture scales smoothly for small - medium apps. If you guys are building a very large application I would suggest using the following feature based architecture which will be more developer friendly with ease of scaling.
Typescript support
React Hooks
React Navigation with Authentication flow
React Native i18n
React Native Vector Icons
Redux with hooks support
Redux Saga
Redux Persist
Reactron debugging
Clone this repo, git clone
Go to project's root directory, cd
Remove .git folder, rm -rf .git
Use React Native Rename to update project name npx react-native-rename yourProjectName
Run npm to install dependencies
Start the packager with npm start
Connect a mobile device to your development machine
Run the test application:
On Android: Run react-native run-android or Use Android Studio (Recommended)
On iOS: Open ios/YourReactProject.xcworkspace in Xcode
Hit Run after selecting the desired device Enjoy!!!