MPAIO is a library for parallel processing a numpy array using a pool of workers, each running on a separate process. It performs the processing asynchronously so none of the work in starting the workers, or collecting their results when finished, blocks. It is a generalised library inspired by Lukasz Langa's PyCon 2023 talk: 'Working around the GIL with asyncio'.
Each worker handles processing a chunk of the array and MPAIO coordinates giving the results back to the user.
MPAIO expects the array to be processed to be available in shared memory and to remain constant.
MPAIO internally uses Python std library ProcessPoolExecutor
to run the workers:
MPAIO uses anyio to do the asynchronous scheduling.
MPAIO is composed of:
- a
class- encapsulates meta-data of the shared memory buffer and logic of how to partition the array amongst the workers.
- an abstract
class- defines a template for a worker and the logic to process a chunk of the data.
- a
is constructed with theDataIterator
object that it will be processing.
- a
class- runs the workers in the executor and makes the results from the sub processes available in the main process.
Create a numpy array (or multiple arrays) containing the data that needs to be processed and copy the array(s) in to a shared memory block(s).
Create a
that will be used to create sub processes to run theWorker
s on. Note that any executor can be used here that implements the concurrent futureExecutor
base class. However, due to the GIL, only use of aProcessPoolExecutor
will result in the work being executed in parallel. -
Define a
, containing the meta-data for the shared memory block and the logic for how the shared memory block should be partitioned amongst the workers. One for each shared memory block. -
Define a worker that implements the abstract MPAIO
base class. Pass theDataIterator
in to the constructor of theWorker
. One for each shared memory block.- The
method will be run in a separate process. It is passed the meta data of the shared memory array as well as the start and end index that it will be responsible for processing. It must recreate the numpy array from the meta data, process the slice of the array and return the result. The returned result must be pickleable. - The
method will be run in the main process. It will receive the processed data that theprocess
method returned.
- The
Construct a
and pass in the executor and the list ofWorker
s.- The
will allocate each partition of data to a separate invocation of theprocess
method of theWorker
. This will be scheduled to run on a free worker from the executor pool. - When a worker has finished, the
method of theWorker
is called with the processed chunk of data. - Optionally monitor the CPU usage when running the orchestrator by setting
to True. When set, this will return a dictionary with the CPU utilisation for each core suitable for creating a time series Panda's DataFrame for (seeexamples/
- The
run the
coroutine of theWorkerOrchestrator
For optimum performance, all cores of the system should be utilised with the total number of partitions of data matching the number of available cores. If the paritions are too large, then there will be idle cores. Conversely, if the partitions are too small then there will be unnecessary overheads from workers starting and stopping multiple times. See this diagram: optimum-batching
MPAIO is designed using dependency injection, so the executor and shared memory must be created in the user code and
injected in when constructing the WorkerOrchestrator
An example is included in examples/
that sets up two shared memory arrays, one containing strings, the other
containing integers. For each of these arrays, DataIterator
is created defining the meta-data for the shared memory
and logic for how the array should be batched. A AddIntWorker
is defined with the logic how to process a chunk of the
integer arrays. A ConcatStrWorker
is defined with the logic of how to process a chunk of the string array. The workers
themselves are for demonstrative purposes - they implement some arbitrary CPU intensive operations.
To run the examples:
- git clone the repo
git clone
- create a new venv and activate
python3 -m venv venv
b.source venv/bin/activate
- pip install
pip install mpaio
- pip install the extra dependencies to run the examples
pip install mpaio[examples]
b.pip install mpaio'[examples]'
(on MacOS) - run the example
python examples/
This will also produce a plot of the CPU utilisation from running the examples. You can change n_workers
to see the effect of utilising fewer/more cores.
You can also experiment with switching out the ProcessPoolExecutor
with a ThreadPoolExecutor
. Note that despite the
limitations of the GIL, since some numpy calls and third party libraries release the GIL under the hood, performance
benefits can be seen from using multithreading.
Use data structures created by multiprocess manager: if needing to coordinate both reading and writing from child to parent processes. If reads and writes are atomics and do not need to be coordinated, then can simply use a shared memory block which will provide faster access.
Trick for speed is to only pass small amount of data in to sub processes and recreate full structures within sub process. Natural choice when wanting to share say a list is to use the list created by the mp manager that can be shared between processes. This will be slow but necessary if your child/parent process is writing to the shared memory dynamically.
Seems tempting to implement as a decorator but this design won't work well when orchestrating multiple workers with different processing requirements. There's also issues with pickle when attempting to pickle a decorated method.
Option when designing this to register the worker functions using a decorator e.g.
@run_in_subprocess(process_manager) def worker1(data) -> int: ...
@run_in_subprocess(process_manager) def worker2(data) -> str: ...
worker1(data) # causes process manager to register the worker - won't run yet worker2(data) # causes process manager to register the worker - won't run yet await # runs all registered workers
however this violates the principle of least surprise. namely it is suprising that calling worker()
won't run the
worker until the process manager is run.
Uses structured concurrency (anyio) for TaskGroup like task management without having to restrict to Python 3.11.
Use a mix of anyio and asyncio anyio - excellent library for structured concurrency, gives you task groups without having to be on Python 3.11. It does not yet have support for synchronisation primitives for multi processing. asyncio - run concurrent executor within asyncio.