A chess engine written in C. Uses bitboards with fixed shift fancy movegen.
git clone https://github.com/kz04px/Baislicka
mkdir Baislicka/build
cd Baislicka/build
cmake ..
Some limited tests are included and can be run by using the above build instructions and running the resulting "baislicka-test" executable in the build directory.
Both Windows and Linux are currently supported.
Thanks to all those that have contributed to Baislicka in some way, no matter how small.
Everyone that has used Baislicka in their own engine testing, in tournaments, to play against, or anywhere else.
Camilla, for inspiring the name "Baislicka".
##chessprogramming on irc.libera.chat
The chess programming wiki. https://www.chessprogramming.org
Bluefever Software's video series on creating the Vice engine for inspiration to do the same. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGAfaepBco4&list=PLZ1QII7yudbc-Ky058TEaOstZHVbT-2hg
Chris Moreton’s programming blog post on plain magic bitboards. http://www.afewmorelines.com/understanding-magic-bitboards-in-chess-programming/
Roman Hartmann, the creator of perftsuite.epd and ROCE. http://www.rocechess.ch/perft.html
Tomasz Michniewski's simplified evaluation function https://www.chessprogramming.org/Simplified_Evaluation_Function
Volker Annuss' work on fixed shift magics http://www.talkchess.com/forum3/viewtopic.php?topic_view=threads&p=670709&t=60065
Adam Hair's piece square tables http://www.talkchess.com/forum3/viewtopic.php?topic_view=threads&p=551989&t=50840